Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

The US got the jet engine technology from the UK!

USA was gifted a Gloster E28/39 and they then gave it to Lockheed to develop the P-80

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Either he was wrong the first time, then, or things have changed the since.

Brother the whole of NASA was built on Operation paperclip🤦‍♂️

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Do you have any statement from him that is newer, as of right now this is the latest statement on it I know of.

Ok…but prior to that the US has always acquired technology through partnerships, theft or purchasing.

and so has everyone else and their mother has at the top and down below so it’s not that news worthy

M1911 was a very advanced weapon for its time, it wasn’t stolen or bought outside of US.

AR-15 and 18 and 10, which most modern rifles are based off, are all American designs

M2, which just about every western military uses, was made in the US and was also quite ahead of its time

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Everyone gives China and Russia crap for doing this but the US gets a pass. US has heavily leaned on the massive wealth of European partners expertise. They stole Soviet technology, they paid 100k for the first Ak-74 captured in Afghanistan.

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A legendary design

To add on, fly by wire was initially made in the US, and it just so happens to be the only reason the vaunted eurocanards don’t drop out of the sky

Agreed, no one cares that say the USS Delaware was as much an HMS Dreadnought copy as the J-20 is an F-22 copy or that all early jet fighters were based off of British and German designs

Did US outright steal information and documents about the HMS Dreadnought?

That’s the key, even like USSR, they got me262 and British engines to develop their jets, from su9, su11 then mig9/15, also the rockets V1/V2, you can’t say they steal, basically it’s like use as references, The British creat the first tanks, do they have the best tank in the world now?

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Are you sure about that, we have Germany with the first concept, Avro Arrow in the 50s with the first working version and then Concorde. US did use the first digital fly by wire computers became a thing.

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Do you have any proof that China or Russia stole information and documents about the F-22.

Monkey see, monkey do is like a basic law of human nature, it goes without saying that you see something good you want one for yourself, the fact is that ideas can’t be owned, it took China at least 20 years to develop the J-20 and development started right around when the F-22 first took flight, so was it espionage, or was it research, China have a huge military budget and none of the political flip flopping that the US does, there’s no reason they couldn’t have built it themselves, it’s not like the US is the only nation that can make new things

can we stop with turning r&r into some kind of bragging match

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None of that was true fbw, the avro arrow just used electric input to move hydraulics like any other aircraft, US was the first to make a true fbw system in the 1972 NASA F-8

You know, as It spurred a lot of people on, like when the Soviets launched their rockets in 1960s…

A quick Google search will show RTX (Raytheon) was sued by government because China stole sensitive information about multiple aircraft including the F-22 through Raytheon employees working in China

The other issue with this conversation is that espionage in the modern sense has only existed since the US became a superpower, you can’t exactly steal classified blueprints of small arms, or simple field artillery, or ships of the line, because the concepts behind them are broad as day, the best example would probably be smokeless powder which was a French invention and revolutionized warfare, but they knew they couldn’t keep a lid on that for long as it’s just simple chemistry