That’s literally it, the CM, motor, fin AOA, G-load, seeker etc are line for line identical. The game files are identical bar 5 lines, the names and the mass.
Gaijin doesn’t care about helicopters except as a way to sell premiums. Just look at the TT Heli grind across all nations. Heli PvE is dumb and boring, and takes too long. Also 360,000 RP for a Rank VI helicopter? That’s as much as a Rank VIII vehicle.
I know man, them not actually caring is probably why we got the Wessex in the british tree, even though it provides nothing useful at that BR.
It’s such a shame that they don’t give a frick about helis, because Heli PvE could be pretty fun if it got a rework, Heli PvP could also be a thing if they actually put some thought into it.
Boeing originally said 22. But it has since been tuned back don’t know if they will be looking into the option for 22 Missiles into the future. Doubt they will. In a IRL situation I can’t see the value or need to weigh down an aircraft with 22 missiles.
Guys look a real leak!!1!1!1!(that I totally didn’t just make)
🇺🇸 A-6E SWIP (fr this time guys, trust)
🇺🇸 F/A-18A
🇺🇸 F/A-18C (90$ premium)
🇺🇸 AbramsX (new 5.3 squadron vehicle)
🇷🇺 10 new 10.3 tank premiums
🇩🇪 entire nation gets locked behind 20$ paywall
🇬🇧 More subtree vehicles, nothing British. Cry.
🇯🇵 Ho-Ri Extra Late (APFSDS and Gen 3 Thermals)
🇯🇵 R2Y2 extra late (Afterburner, Radar, and Aim-120Ds)
🇨🇳 More MBTs with butchered armor schemes
🇮🇹 More air for ariete hull armor
🇫🇷 Le Baguette Mk.1
🇫🇷 More reloading time for Leclerc auto loader
🇸🇪 They get the entire universe bc it was trialed
🇮🇱 Magach 7A, Magach Marksman, (Magach 4) Pereh, Sabra Mk.2, Magach 7 prototype, Sabra Prototype, and 5 million other Magach variants.
I forgot the 4 your right. And no we don’t need them ASAP we need better SPAA. I’ve went back to top tier ground this last patch for a little bit to be reminded why I don’t go there much anymore.