Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I have but when you have misinformation from the first point. Its not a good look-

Pretty much every use of the ATGM I can think of (killing CAS, overpessure) is handled by an HE shell of some variety. Though, now that you mention it, Russia does have the advantage in types of ammo as the Type 10 doesn’t have an HE shell (which is very useful against people who don’t hide their foreheads ;) ). Still, I would take the 4 second reload and more competent shell over that.

Armor is the least important pillar of tank design in War Thunder because a good player will never have to rely on it and a bad player will rely on it too often. Armor can almost always be shot around. Don’t get me wrong, having armor is a distinct advantage, but I just don’t think it’s super important. Meanwhile, firepower and mobility are more important as they allow you to win brawls and get to vantage points faster and less likely to be detected.

Between T series and Type 10, I haven’t noticed much of a difference in survivability. Type 10 is just easier to kill due to worse armor. Type 10 also has blowout ammo racks which T series tanks lack.

I just find it more weird that Gaijin haven’t changed their policy for modeling reports. A ton of modern military vehicles are classified, and yet sometimes you dig deep into researching using public sources, only for them to slap “not a bug.”


It’s not just a vehicle it’s the whole branch and literally 50% of the playerbase who play Air battles

If you think there’s misinformation in my points, feel free to correct it with evidence rather than vague or subjective claims.
That said, a lot of this discussion is inherently subjective—preferences for certain vehicles or playstyles vary from person to person.

What I’m pointing out are the measurable strengths and weaknesses of these vehicles within the game’s mechanics.
If you disagree, that’s fine, but let’s focus on constructive debate rather than dismissing arguments without substance.

You cannot make a connection to poor modeling and server issues and the devs giving preferential treatment to a specific nation, because they don’t.

Confirmation bias, not Russian bias.

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J-10 saved sim air for the red side, ngl.


Like if i was held at gunpoint and asked to name a nation thats gotten nothing but positive treatment the longest…

Itd be sweden tbh

Very specific. Am I allowed to complain about how the MiG-29 was designed to carry the R-73, and yet was forced to release with the R-60M, and then the R-27ER was added even though it should’ve been the R-27R?

Or when the Su-25BM was the soft entry for the R-73, and when the SMT got it in the devserver, a metric sh*tload of salt and tears and complaining emerged mostly from the US mains to the point that not only was the R-73 permanently GIMPED, but the 9M was forced into the update it was NOT planned for?

We could all sit back here with our petty grievances, but I’d rather look forward tbh.

I won’t argue that you’re wrong, but it’s hardly like the Russians are the only nation to take an update to get nerfed/fixed. Gaijin is notorious for taking their sweet time when it suits them.

And bug fixes that would balance other aspects, i.e. marginally buff them are ignored too. I’m not going to sit here and tally up whether or not Russia is getting favorable treatment based on how many bug reports to nerf vs buff exist, or how long the average Russian bias bug takes to be fixed, I have more important things to do than that. But you do you man.

I generally agree with most of your points by the way.

do we think we’ll get DM53A1 at some point? The ones with embedded incendaries?


The funny thing is people shout russian bias when the only bias is just a general favoritism of the more “popular” nations from time to time.

Just to add onto the rare positive discussion here, the leaked J-10B will be very interesting to see.

It seems to be a pretty significant upgrade over the J-10A we have in game and I am curious what Gaijin might do with it.

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I hope they fix its A2G payload

The JH-7A and J-10A are both gimped as is

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you raise some good points, but I think a few of your assumptions need unpacking:

Sure, HE shells are useful against certain targets, but ATGMs have a distinct advantage in range and penetration versatility. For example, ATGMs can engage targets effectively at ranges where HE shells might not be practical, especially against entrenched enemies or for precision strikes. They also bypass the need for a direct shot when terrain or obstacles are in play.

I get the argument that ‘a good player doesn’t rely on armor,’ but it’s oversimplified. Even skilled players face situations where they’re forced to take hits—whether from being spotted in the open or due to poor map design. Russian tanks with Relikt ERA and strong composite armor mitigate damage better than most, increasing their survivability in unpredictable engagements. Armor isn’t everything, but dismissing it as the ‘least important’ pillar ignores its practical value in high-tier gameplay.

The Type 10’s 4-second reload is undeniably strong, but reload speed alone doesn’t define firepower. Russian tanks bring superior APFSDS in terms of penetration (e.g., 3BM60), ATGM capability, and HE shells, offering more versatility in engagements. A single blowout rack might save the Type 10 occasionally, but that’s situational at best.

You even admit the Type 10 is easier to kill due to its worse armor. That aligns with what I’ve said—Russian tanks might not be invincible, but their combination of ERA, composite armor, and better survivability design (e.g., more robust turret protection) puts them ahead in this category.

In the end, it’s subjective what you prioritize—firepower, mobility, or armor—but outright dismissing advantages like survivability and ammo versatility doesn’t hold up when you look at the broader picture.

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Yeah, I’m looking forward to finally getting IRST, I haven’t made top tier Russia yet so it’ll be a first for me, I wonder how it works with Fox-3s.

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Russian MBTs simultaneously have some of the best and worst survivability at top tier.

Armor layout wise? Amazing

But god forbid something get past that armor…

It’s funny because the JH-7A is really fun to play, and a good looking plane in it’s own right, but even the PLAAF said it was lacking and started buying (wait for it) [drumroll] THE SU-30MKK. It’s almost like that would’ve been a great addition in the last patch alongside the Su-30M.

I swear Gaijin has a hate-boner for tandem Flankers. What do you think @Smin1080p_WT ?

I want the 7A to get PL12s ngl

I get that you’d rather focus on the future and not dwell on past grievances, and I respect that. But when it comes to the MiG-29 and its weapon loadout issues, it’s hard to ignore that it was designed to carry the R-73, only to launch with the R-60M. That felt like a significant missed opportunity, and I think a lot of people were frustrated by it. Same goes for the R-27ER being added when it probably should’ve been the R-27R. These kinds of design decisions do leave a sour taste, especially when they don’t seem aligned with the aircraft’s original role.

The whole R-73 situation with the Su-25BM and then the MiG-29SMT—yeah, it really did feel like a lot of outcry led to a nerf and changes that weren’t necessarily needed. I totally agree with you that it’s not just Russia that gets tweaks based on community feedback, but sometimes it can feel like certain nations get nerfed more frequently, or at least get slower fixes for their issues.

I do think they could be more responsive to fixing things across the board, especially when it’s clear that certain vehicles need more balance attention. I’m with you on not wanting to tally up every little bug, but I think it’s still important to have these conversations to make the game better for everyone.

J-10B is enough of an improvement to be comparable with early Typhoon and Rafale
J-10C with AESA and more upgrades will likely come when later variants get added.

Gaijin might give the J-10B PL-8B, PL-8 with more range and IRCCM.
It will have a PESA radar of noticeable improvement, new, sleeker radome, and IRST, and a new DSI intake that slightly reduces radar cross section, weight, and provides marginal thrust benefits at certain speeds.

Most importantly it got AL-31FN Series 3 with more thrust to compensate for the weight gain.

(It’s also much better looking than the J-10A with its ugly intake)

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