Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Air has always been solid r 27er being the best bvr missle for a long time.
Russia getting prefered treatment with their additions always a patch earliee then germany.
They aint a victim.
Helis the Ka 52 still is strong it stayed the most surviveable heli and is the only real heli that perform game start heli rushes and so on.

Its armor recently has been… inconsistent

Idk why, ive bounced the dumbest shots

Volumetric moment

I think there was something about the thrust being too high, and Gaijin deciding to balance that out by giving it way too much drag to get the speed right.

Not sure how true that is, but it would explain both the low channel loss for the engines and the overly bad energy retention

You’re right—I chose to engage because your claims needed clarification. Let’s continue to unpack this.

If you’re defining firepower as reload speed plus shell, the Type 10’s quick reload is impressive.

ATGMs aren’t ‘irrelevant’ at top tier—while niche, they provide flexibility for long-range or hull-down engagements, especially against heavily armored targets where APFSDS might struggle at certain angles. Proxy HE and HEAT-FS have their uses, but neither invalidates the tactical advantages of ATGMs entirely.
This is especially handy against CAS.

As for armor, dismissing it as the ‘least important pillar’ ignores its role in survivability. Russian ERA like Relikt isn’t just about tanking hits—it allows aggressive playstyles by mitigating damage from otherwise fatal shots, which is crucial in high-tier engagements, especially since Gaijin is pushing the community to play on smaller and smaller maps around these br’s. Compare that to the Type 10, where a single penetrating shot often ends the fight.

Your ‘semi-competent’ descriptor for the Type 10’s armor feels like a stretch. It’s functional, sure, but nowhere near the all-around protection of tanks like the T-80BVM. The pillars of tank design in War Thunder—mobility, firepower, and protection—are all interconnected, and Russian MBTs consistently strike a better balance than the Type 10.

It’s what @Giovanex05 and us in the Flanker forum suspect. Unfortunately, there’s not much we can do.
So it is completely up to Gaijin on if they would change it. The last time we tried to do something they said it was slightly underperforming by 0.4G but they think it was close enough, and it didn’t need any changes.


I have my own theories. Most I’ll keep to myself, but some are historical animosity towards the nation in game as it has had moments of preferable treatment. People forget the changes and nerfs, but they remember the one time they were on the receiving end of what they call “Russian bias”.

This is the only blatant thing that all honest players realize.

You won’t see anyone else acknowledge the smaller things.

+1 from me.

I think Gaijin deliberately keeps some aspects/certain BRs for nations overpowered on purpose, or else no one would play the nation if it is continued suffering.

For example, China 8.3-9.0 versus top-tier is a huge difference.

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Apex Predators came out and people couldn’t deal with the R-27ER, but within 6 months people had figured out multipathing and everyone flies low so now it’s not the best Fox 1 that matters but flight performance and IRCCM missiles and the F-16 and Grippen pretty much had Russia beat on those fronts, Russia had a bit of a comeback with the SU-27 but it’s FM let it down so really ever since people figured out “fly low to dodge Fox 1s” Russia have been average to below average in air battles.

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In three minutes I’m going to +1 this. It truly has taken canards and AL-31F’s to get to the point where you can finally bargain your entire bucket of energy for one shot at almost any plane, and it’s in the dang Su-34 of all planes, without HMD, which makes it even harder. And still you have to also hope that your R-73 doesn’t gyro itself into the next dimension because that too is also STILL broken.


No, because just a few days after the release of the T-2 Mitsubishi - the Gun lead was removed because it deemed “To OP” and has never returned.
While Russian Bias is still here and usually takes an entire update of waiting to be fixed.
Let alone the bug fixes that potentionally NERF Russian equipment are being ignored/removed.


Multipath era was the worst. You had pre FM nerf Gripens with 600+ countermeasures spamming them for the entire match while flying below 100 meters and Fox 1 missiles are unable to hit them, while they HMD-sling AIM-9Ms at you and destroy you in a dogfight.


I find it odd that a game with “russian bias” would leave them stuck with the 2nd worst 13.7 Jet in the game for 3 updates back to back


It’s really weird how they need to do that, when the obvious solution would simply be to fix their actual top tier vehicles.

Spall liners and faster reloads would already help a lot, and that’s not even everything

Didn’t the T-2 have gun lead for a longer time? I could swear it was still there when F-1 was added.

The idea of ‘Russian bias’ doesn’t mean every Russian vehicle is always top-tier—it’s about the broader pattern of favorability over time, often tied to historical or geopolitical reasons. Sure, Russia might currently have a weak 13.7 jet in the MiG-29SMT, but let’s not forget that it dominated for several updates when it first released.

Balancing isn’t static. Vehicles rise and fall depending on updates, new additions, and meta shifts. The SMT’s poor performance stems from specific flaws like its heavier weight and outdated missiles compared to newer jets, but that doesn’t erase the advantages Russian planes have enjoyed historically.

Besides, looking at jets alone ignores the broader context—ground vehicles, helicopters, and earlier BR jets still reflect plenty of the so-called ‘bias.’ So, a single underperforming vehicle doesn’t invalidate years of trends.

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Yeah multipath was the worst, I actually stopped playing for like 6 months around when the Grippen and SU-27 were top dogs because the game was so unfun to play. The J-10A has pretty much single handedly got me back into top tier though

The SMT was mediocre on release and bad not 2 updates later…


No, maybe a week, but not more as far as i know.
Phlydaily made a video about it just a few days after it released.

Have you read everything or just that sentence?