Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Definitely possible set of nations.

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It’s because China doesn’t have the draw that the US/USSR - Russia has. In Dance of Dragons though they tried to make the J-10A the main vehicle of the update probably to test how much money China will make them, so maybe Gaijin will speed up additions/fix issues with older vehicles? This is all just me coping though.

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Understand that consistently adding needed vehicles and making a nation appealing to the average player gets them more money challenge - impossible.


That’s probably true, but also an issue completely made by Gaijin. The main and probably only issue I see people have with China is that their first few ranks are too heavy on simply copied vehicles, which is also really unfortunate since there is so many interesting vehicles that could’ve been there, but now it’s too late.

I really wonder how the Chinese tree would’ve looked if it didn’t start out as a hasty addition for only the Chinese server, but was also introduced to the international client at the same time with international profit behind it. Then Gaijin might have put more effort into making it more unique and it would be a lot more popular now.


At this point, it seems like Gaijin has completely forgotten that people need to play through the earlier ranks and don’t immediately start at rank 7.


It could’ve been good if the person overseeing different things for the tree wasn’t intentionally holding the tree back, idk if anyone else remembers that whole ordeal.
This person was replaced with someone else.


I took that as it could, especially if it’s on and off due to missing information, but not necessarily that it takes a long time from start to finish if there’s no blockers. Regardless, I’m think the update release time doesn’t have a big bearing on the subsequent update release timings. Only time will tell though

Even from a profit perspective, it makes the most sense to time for December 2024 or June 2025, the times where there are huge sales and people spend the most money. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re still trying to see if they can fit the EFT in December, but I don’t think something like the F-2 needs to be held. They could easily add the early one December and late one in June with EFT like they did with the F-15J and double dip in profits.


That thing looks so cool. Is that an goalkeeper cows on it?

Any guesses for the next update? I think/hope submarines. I have been like this for the last years but this time I think they are actually coming! With all the datamined hints.


M8 either you’re genuinely not understanding or purposely pushing.

Gaijin won’t just add more powerful jet’s here and there the next step will be soon and the F/A-18 will be the breakthrough with a Russian counterpart. It mainly has been US vs Russia then everyone else get’s drip feed or everyone at once. Since the Typhoons are coming at a later date it will be the first option

If Japan truly suffer then why gaijin hasn’t added a sub tree to them first ?

It can use both a 25mm and 30mm autocannon. The 30mm shares more in common with AK-630 than Goalkeeper.

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Still awesome looking thing.

why is it when you reach 50 to 25K mark, the game tries everything in it’s power to screw you over ?

RIP naval balance the day those things come

Wont USA get another SPAA for TT soon?

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Submarines would be interesting.

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US, like a lot of nations, is really just waiting on the snail to figure out a way to implement multi-vehicle battery systems at this point.

Probably the former because I’m not sure what you’re getting at.

The biggest updates of the year are December and June and if you’re going to add iconic aircraft to maximize profits, that’d be the ideal time, which is to your point about profits.

Yes, other nations will get dripfed, but some in the same update. Last year Japan got fed the F-15J, UK/SWE the Gripen, etc.

In addition, Typhoon and F-2 are not equivalents. The only thing special about the F-2 for WT is the radar which already Gaijin has stated is not going to be a wonder weapon with the several vehicles (including the newly added Su-34) as proof of that. Even barring that there is the prototype that could use a different radar.

Is it impossible that Gaijin would add them together? No. But adding them together just doesn’t make much sense even by their own logic (early Typhoons did not have AESA radar). There is no reason to hold them back other than “we have too much on our plate right now and can’t get to it in time”.

I’m the last person you should ask about a sub-tree for Japan lol. I do not think Japan needs a sub-tree so I have no qualms about Gaijin taking their time.

I do not think Japan suffers in air as they have F-15J(M), arguably the second best F-15 and fighter behind the F-15E/I. What the F-2 could solve is the ground game with CAS and finally give Japan a top tier multi-role fighter like the F-16C that the US has had for almost 1.5 years now.


Is, much more importantly :


The lack of pretty ocean blue paint scheme jets I see at top tier


25mm, use same 25mm ammo specification as Chinese PGZ-04A in game, but with new AHEAD ammo.

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