Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

More so the lack of any camos on non US/RU jets, seriously pretty underwhelming how little effort go into every other nation 60% of the time.

I feel quite lucky with Ra’am, in that the stock Camo they chose is my by far my favourite of all the variations.

The one they chose for GR4 looks really good too tbf (not a fan of the Market box one tho).

Meh, i dislike when gaijin adds the same vehicle with the same skin and no back up skins so you’re stuck with 2 grey camos but this one has a small number on it. Job done, again very low effort unless you play the cash cow nations.

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Oh yeah, I know exactly what you mean lol.

If my memory serves me right (not in game so can’t check), but I think Ayit and Harrier GR1 were particularly comical examples of that.

It’s like a game of spot the difference with their GE camo’s lol.

Sweden in a nutshell camo wise, and some of the chinese air iirc

W/ the leak for JS Yubetsu (DE-228) recently and the ARH-AShM guidance rework, I think we might be closer to seeing advanced missile ships in the December update. Maybe both could come, but realistically it 's one or the other.


what if carriers are in development and theyll release all 3 in a full naval rework?

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Object 195 when?? Xaxaxa


This is a joke pls no hurt


Unironically, would love some 80s/early 90s objects/prototypes in Soviet Tree. Be it TT or Event or Prems (I imagine a lot of people would love to get something like Object 640 and me personally the same 195)


Don’t it’s gonna be the next T-80 larky

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“What’s that? You want more T-80s? South Korean T-80U for America, it is!”



Dont forget Pakistani T-80UD for China


Totally not gonna be the next squadron tank lol

first give us the T-90A

Su-30MKI for Britain you say ?

Mirage 2000I for Britain ?

Oh I forgot we can’t claim those things

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Rafale for Britain😁

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T80U for Britain?

(Not even a Joke, Britain bought them lol).

Su-7, Mig-27, Mig-29s hehe

Can’t wait to see Bangladeshi Rafale in China TT XD