One of the leak lists is part 1/3, the other will have at least 2nd part.
ZA-HVM doesnt get a radar lock, so in any weather thats not clear you are cooked🤓
Hope so.
I do think it will come, it may be pure coincidence but having 2 new US airframes the past 2 Dec updates im banking on it being added
Let me introduce you to Catchy
A thing installed on the prototype
Maybe Gaijin goes wild and adds the Su-30SM and the Su-33? Why not give USSR two airframes too?
I see! Then I will continue playing F-16C to still save F-15C’s modification bonuses for F/A-18C, hahah.
Yep overall it’s a nice change
Too threatening to certain favoured nations.
You will use your Su-27 variants with obliterated flight modesl and you will enjoy it.
It’s likely but to me, I’ll be disappointed if it comes this update, and I would rather have something like the F-14D that has also been wanted.
But as I said before that is fueled by the idea that that if we get an F-18 update earlier next year the one Hornet I wanted could still come to the game(as any hope for it to be added will be gone if the F-18 is added this update).
Supposedly they threw out the history sections but i havent checked.
Maybe base Su-30 its still too early for SM even with Typhoon
idk, JASSM-ER are really good missiles. pretty sure its capable of carrying SLAM and HARM though they dont use it operationally.
I don’t know I’m afraid.
Do you know what configuration ZA-HVM will be in?
Thank you anyway!
My main theory is that it will be depicted on her original configuration, just like Mutsu; and, in a future, a late refit West Virginia may come along with an also late refit Nagato, making the lineups look like this:
Mutsu (1922) vs Maryland (1922)
And, later:
Nagato (1944) vs West Virginia (1944)
Any fa18 news?
If that’s the case, they better really knock it out of the park with the SM’s radar, because as it stands, there’s little difference beyond radar, better engines (tvc not withstanding, nor that useful), canards, and R-77-1’s which I’ll believe are worth a damn when they actually model them properly.
We all know this is still a BVR fight until the furball, and the SM isn’t going to sustain high speeds, just low-speed tight windows. Easy target unless truly 1v1.
@gszabi99 Sorry for the ping, but are there any new radars found aside from the one for the Su-33?