Hopefully that look means some decent mid tier ground vehicles, or some fun low tier ones.
We’re expecting more news in the near futureTM.
While my comment was largely made in jest, there is an unironic desire to see these munitions in game. I am happy that we finally got a meta change from the 7F/27ER slingers, though I want to see more added to the game.
If Gaijin need to expand the maps, change the gamemodes and rethink their gameplay design, so be it. Make it happen.
here is a question that you might not say no to, you having a good day gszabi?
What plane are you using to grind it ?
Are there any new doses of copium or leaks or mines?
Oh well thats somewhat reassuring.
No sleeping again?
My body certainly lets me know what it thinks about me staying up until 3:00 due to the timezones and leaks “yesterday”.
Very much sleeping. I deliberately didn’t use SoonTM.
F-5 FCU with a talisman
Ah, this is less reassuring for the hornet.
Even more so for the F-2
I really want to play it to but unfortunaly i belong to the group of players who will not play something unspaded when he cant research something and he would lose the Bonus RP.
But next Major i will hopefully be able to play it :)
Any news regarding any new top tier MBTs for this update?
Or should I just start cooking up whatever copium 2.0 will be?
Gazabi going to China to farm scallions as a leek alternative confirmed
M1E3 prAybrams with MC0P1UM shell confirmed for update 6.9 /s
On the contrary, it gives me more hopium that they’re releasing the hype in waves and maybe the F-2 would show up in the next list along with US/RU/SWE additions for top tier. I wasn’t aware the list was split up in parts this time.
Regardless, it’s kinda crazy because here we are debating when the F-2 would be added, almost universally agreeing that it will be added at the same time as the EFT/Rafale/other 4.5 gens (at the latest) and here we are with no word either way. I want to trust Gaijin that they will deliver and this “outrage” is just manufactured because it’s dripfed info but at the same time, we saw what happened to Germany for Seek and Destroy…
Feels like the hopium will be there until dev server. Then again, the stuff leaked might get pushed back and we’re all sitting here waiting for our 4.5 gens next year.
I have my fingers crossed…
Hopefully near future is tonight or tomorrow
I assume next week because that’s probably when we’ll get devblogs, maybe even a teaser.