Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Indian ;)

For the meme gaijin, for the meme.


I can’t wait for the day french mains will stop suggesting tanks that are basically Leclerc S2/SXXI with a feature that would be useless in-game anyways as a different tank.
Like, stop, piling on leclercs after leclercs won’t help, only make the grinnd towards the actually decent ones worse

I recently unlocked the PLZ05 and have been playing it, it’s actually quite fun even without the laser rangefinder. I imagine the Panzerhaubitze will be quite similar.

It depends on which version they choose, the 76mm gun from the bulldog or the 75mm ARES, if it’s the former I could see it being a reasonably lower BR which could make it quite fun.

I’m getting a bit weary of the SPAA additions to Britain, at least the ~10.0 ones. We already have the OSA, Stormer, and the LAV-AD clone. If it gets put at 9.0-9.7 though, I could see it being useful.

A wheeled autocannon IFV, won’t be super interesting unless the gun is unique in someway like the 35mm. Tired of wheeled autocannon IFVs to be honest, they really aren’t fun and I’d never choose one over an MBT. It may end up at the 10.0-10.7 range for France which would be cool, but I’d rather get the Leopard 3105.

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They had MBT variants list, I gave more MBTs, they’re not suggestions

nope 2S1 for you now

First CTAS 40mm cannon added afaik, with new missiles, Akeron MP

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the HVM should be the best SPAA in the British tree if it gets added

tbf wouldnt be hard all it needs to do is break 10km lol

Yeah i discovered already

yeah still waiting on the Ajax or the CTAS boxer for the uk lol

CTAS Warrior should come now with the VBCI MK2, Ajax with EBRC

I know nothing about this thing I just assumed the HVM part would be literally just the Stormers missles, I assume its different?

it depends on the variant the CTAS Boxer is probably closer to the EBRC being a wheeled platform with the 40mm and good ATGMs

You’ll take your UK-used M44 and will like it.

Gaijin please let the other that could get it, get it don’t keep it to just Japan

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It’s a domestic South African missile, Gaijin originally planned on it being added a good bit ago but changed their minds. Now I guess they’ve changed their minds again.

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Missile: SAHV-3
Guidance type: LOSBR Laser/RF (Depending on the mode used)
Length: 3.08m
Diameter: 180mm
Weight: 123kg
Warhead: 22kg HE-fragmentation
Proximity fuse: 10m RF with 95% kill probability, ability to destroy alternate targets such as missiles
Engine: single-stage solid fuel smokeless propellant
Max speed: 3.5 Mach
Max range: ~14.5km
Max effective range: 12km
Max effective altitude: 8km
Time of flight:
to 12,000 m: 17 s
to 8,000 m: 9.5 s
to 6,000 m: 4.9 s
to 4,000 m: 3 s
Speed at 12,000m: ~1.5 Mach
Steering: 4 rear fins
G-overload: 40g single-plane, 6G maneuverability at 20 000ft height
Guidance time: 24s



huh at least its gonna bring the UK to the same range as most other nations top SAMs

And that only one of the 3 missiles.
Rest can be found here, or in my G6-HVM/Cactus (SAHV) suggestions.


Depends on the BR really, the effective range of the missile is 12km which puts it up with the 11.7 SAMs, but eh, I’m kinda hoping it comes in at 10.7 or so due to the not great maneuvering at alt (only 6g at 20k ft/6.1 km. Down from the low alt 40g), but then again there’s both SALCOS, IR, and ARH missile available for it, depending on how Gaijin feels so could go quite high.

~160 ish mm pen at 0, iirc two Spike adjacent ATGMs? should be pretty good all things considered. Although it’s quite big, I was kinda hoping the Jaguar would come first, eh what can you do.

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I like the ranking vehicles stuff.