Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Would mean more revenue if they spent time fixing issues with some high tier vehicles in the tree.

The King (F-15) is dead, long live the Queen (Typhoon)



So… When can we start requesting skins for the Typhoon



Now to hope the FM isn’t underpreforming. But knowing gaijin, we’ll be lucky if it can even take off XD

Gunjob and Flame I think are geared and ready for that fight. So im not worried about that too much…

My biggest fear is high thrust + BOL rendering it exceptionally weak in the CM department. Especially in a BVR dual vs an F-15E.

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Hopefully they finally realize that the BOL pods don’t just affect the gripen. (Especially since it isn’t the main meta plane anymore)

We can only hope

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I just want the Spitfire style ones. They look perfect on it.

idk what’s going on with that wing, but it seems like there can be so many market skins

It’s great to see Luftwaffe players finally seeing their dawn, so can anyone tell me what weapons these typhoons are most likely carrying?

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Tell that the the America mains who dont know how to fly lol


Yeah, that and the Blackjack skin are a minimum requirement for the Typhoon. Though I fear they’ll be saved for the FGR4, but war thunder live will always have us covered in that regard


4-6 Aim-9M / Li + 4-6 Aim-120B (Max 10 I think)

A2G… We’ll have to wait and see. They could be pure A2A only this first round. At least for the UK, I dont know how early Germany got CAS fitted


It’s been bugged for two updates now. It showed up on the dev server for the dance of dragons and has remained since.

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I wonder if Namer IFV will have the same botched armour as Namer 30, or if now that it’s presumably going to be VIII / 11.0, they will actually give it some much needed TLC

Su-30SM. F*ck this Su-33 garbage. I’m about to go full Morv on this one.

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Hmmm, looks like it only gets 2-4 spikes - gaijin probably in the near future.

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I dont know if I should flattered or offended that im a noun

Considering Britain isnt the US or Russia i wouldn’t hold out for any skins. Or if they do its the one that requires the least amount of effot to make

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Yup. But the War Thunder Live community will have that covered rather readily

For example