Only Su-33 for Rus?
Also China getting a total of 4 to 5 top jets in a span of 2 updates thats new
Usually they give a nation a break after a top jet addition.
wait til you gotta pay for it too
They’re the only country that operates Su-33.
Unless you mean “That’s it?” in which case leak lists never contain the entire compliment of vehicles.
Gaijin found out that a country with 1.3 billion population can mean a lot of revenues
Hungarian camo is very beautiful and fortunately it’s researchable, unlike Italian (despite it looks broken now) and Romanian (for OSA, although there is a cool one on the market, the same story as for Romanian IL-28 camo).
Not really.
IRIS-T would be potent at close range, but would cap out at about 15km
ASRAAM can reach much further, but unless at alt, wouldnt fire past about 20-25km.
I assume the list doesn’t show everything, it was like that in previous updates, because F18C should be coming aswell, i’m wondering because something big like the Mig-29K or Su-30 being left out of the list is kinda weird, idk.
I felt they will be somewhat introduced given that the rafale is mica exclusive.
Aye, it’s gorgeous. Love how it looks on KF41 too (And why i’d like a Hungarian Pzh2000).
I am trying to challenge myself to grind all the HU/ROM stuff, using only Hungarian / Romanian stuff lol. Picked a perfect time to do this with the IAR93 event too.
So is the RMV and technically the Tornado Gr4 never used Aim-9M. Tornado F3 AOP should also be ASRAAM only.
We’ll have to wait and see ultimately
cough but also totally not sus after Bvvds Chinese interview cough
Well, Su-27SM is the closest thing to F-18C right now despite the underwhelming radar.
Afaik the IRIS-T has a Short and Medium range version
As a SAM, yes, as an A2A weapon. I dont think so. But not really the person to be asking. Either way. IF they were added, Id assume they would add the shorter range version first
For sure, either way the IRIS-T and ASRAAM would be busted if added rn
On a fighter at least.
Tornado IDS (Tornado ASSTA1 for IRIS-T, GR4 for the ASRAAM) or MICA IR for RMV… Im on the fence.
Eurofighter!? Update might be peak.
ZA-HVM on the list gives me a hope to see Draco some day)