Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

it was not directed towards you as a person, i apologize if it came across as offensive in such a manner.
it was, however, directly targeting the corporate talk. i hope at least that was obvious.


It doesn’t matter to whom it was directed towards. It was offensive.

And we do not talk about other people’s deleted comments or bans here.


Where can i do that?
Or is this topic tried to hold silent

This had to be the wildest RxR of my time especially with the leaks


Any issues regarding a ban or moderation dispute can be directed to the PMs of any forum mod or senior forum mod: Who is who and Reporting Procedure


You call that wild?

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Can’t say storm can I lol

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Now where did i put my Apache manual /j

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Personally I still advocate for it but I think it’s the best alternative. It would also add additional uniqueness to top-rank US. I only say this as long as the ROK get’s a majority of its unique vehicles on top of the US getting its main vehicles. It would be very frustrating if we got very few ROK vehicles with many others being “Premium”.

This is the most bizarre idea yet. Why should China get ASEAN nations when Japan is in more dire need of them. China literally has Pakistan, and the ROC. As I said prior to my post being removed…they also have as a back option North Korea.

As for Poland with a Eastern-Europe Sub-tree, that makes sense with the exception of Yugoslavian nations. Should be added as its own tree imo.

No idea what a “EU Tree” is. The major EU powerhouses already have there own independent trees.


I disagree.

First, War Thunder already established a precedent with how it handled China and ROC in the same tree. Both claim that they’re China, so in this sense War Thunder’s treatment of them is about as “apolitical” as it could be, basically ignoring the controversy.

I think the actual suggestion thread puts a very good argument on why United Korea makes the most sense as an independent tech tree. I won’t butcher their case here.

For me, the strongest reason is that the US just doesn’t need ROK.


Must say would be nice to see more additions from sub tt nations into the game…after all thats why theybare there, to fill the TT. Lets look at Finland. I thing last ground vehicle from finland that was added was CV9030FIn which was june 2023. Since then no Finnish vehicle


apparently some banned people cant even log into their account to appeal

well, the rules are the rules, cant bend em… and im not planning to argue any more about it.
again sorry for the offensive language.
I suppose we already have the stage set just need to wait for the circus to arrive for the show ( regarding those leaks that is)

Where’s my BMP-2MD!!!?

I gotta say, the next few updates are looking bleak so far.

Guys, I would just like to remind everyone that politics and profanity don’t have a place on the forum. Please avoid them both, as its perfectly possible to discuss without them both.

That includes memes with them too.

Please do not ignore the fact that if something has been removed, there is a reason for that and you should not just post it again.

Thanks o7


Bro just came back from the future, just to tell us that.

i mean, clarifiyng the issue would just end it
a simple we dont plan to add asean to china

Well…Yugoslavia isnt easter EU but Balkan so it shoudl be fine

Czechoslovakian would be nice independent TT, butbim fine if i would see my nation as sub-tt for Poland (best would be Visegrad TT (Poland, Czechoslovakian) with easter Eau sub-tt). Just wish sub-tt nations would have their vehicles added more frequently