Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Is there a statement on the Chinese subtree plans as well?

I fully understand the need for Chinese subtrees, but taking some of the very limited subtree options Japan has is simply not acceptable.

The whole of ASEAN, especially the NATO aligned nations like Singapore and Indonesia, entering China also seems mildly politically charged, something Gaijin strives to avoid.

Instead China can have plenty of subnations like Pakistan, Bangladesh, North Korea (if Korea is split) and even some ASEAN nations that fit the tree well like Myanmar and Laos.
This way Japan can get comparable subtrees in the form of the more NATO aligned ASEAN nations like Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand.


just how it goes for the uk, it would seem that the fox was to good of a vic and will now stop us from receiving any new tanks or planes until 2025

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not to mention that china pretty much already exists out of 2 nation as well which provide modern stuff from all sides

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This makes wayy better sense?
ASEAN for Japan, NK for China, Swiss for Germany, Iran for Rus and Visgerad+ tree
(except SK for US imho, should go to Japan to bolster it)


thats the old version, wasnt updated
the leaker in his distraction /rage didnt update some parts

except thats old, the poster edited it already. its asean to china and no staff even denied it LMAO

Well! Now that the disgusting economy nerf was officially denied, I can go back to being happy about the rest of the leak list, hahah.

Except for those subnations for China which should go to Japan instead. That’s just odd.

What I am looking forward the most now are K1A1/2 and K2 (from South Korea for the U.S), VT-4 and OPLOT-T (from Thailand for Japan), the F-18s, and ray tracing!

EDIT: apparently the leaker messed up suggesting that AESAN was going for China and it’s actually going for Japan. That makes more sense, hahah. More good news!




^^ This. This whole message.
Heck, even add Iran to China if desperate but bolster Japan please.

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If these Hungarian planes are all for what we’ve should been waited more, it’s rather disappointing. Almost everything is copypaste.

  • CR.32Bis - the same as premium, but there is a chance that it comes with Gebauer machineguns;
  • Heja I - just Re.2000 reskin (honestly could be skipped or added a as premium, Heja II is the variant we need);
  • Me 210Ca-1 (40) - these 2 are really the only unique planes of the whole line;
  • Bf-109G-6 another copypaste, would rather have Romanian licensed-built Ga-6 variant, which had some minor differences, although I hope it at least gets Italian and Romanian researchable camouflages, as these planes were extensively used by all 3 nations.
    Hopefully it’s fake leak🤞

take it however you like, lets see what this can do )))


I don’t know if Gaijin really did not even plan such change as Smin stated (in which case I don’t know why the leaker would share such wrong intel), or if all of this was emergency damage control after seeing all the backlash…

But in any case, it’s only good news that it was already officially denied.

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Yeah I agree with your assessment there, it all makes sense except for ROK

just damage control, but there were recent nerfs to SL and RP gains in some modes (useful actions)


“it would be way to strong if Britain got leopard 2s”

I’ve been waiting for years for Japan to receive a sub tech tree just to see if they’re going to put a sub tech tree for China, but Japan, which has been in the game for much longer, doesn’t have anything yet.

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Chinese players will never allow their vehicles in other nations.



Assuming they keep their word, which (While I want to believe them), I just…cant really accept that they arent lying here. Gaijn doesnt have the best track record for this stuff, and I wouldnt be surprised if they were actually planning major SL earning decreases.

Ill trust them for now, but if they actually do it I will be majorly pissed.


A Canadian Leopard 1 and Leo 2A4M was too much from Britain but now France might get Dutch Leo 2 and China might even get ASEAN Leo 2s … what the heck Gaijin?

Honestly, dont want K1 & K2 in US TT … kinda makes sense … but kinda makes sense for Japan as well … so why not instead?