Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

The one with the F-14D and the Hawk T1A?

That one is most certainly fake.

the early Typhoons arent AESA they are still mechanical they would be 9Ms and AIM120Bs

For that matter, I can’t find any of the UK EF-2000s that do use the AIM-9 series, as they seem to like their ASRAAMs

it would still be good to give 3 nations new jets for once instead of it only being the US and Russia getting new toys

Regardless, they can use them, and Britain had AIM-9M’s, so it makes the most sense for earlier ones, to be given them.

9l(i) in the case of italy and germany.

I definitely agree, the Typhoon is something I really want to see in game, however I also know how Gaijin operates.

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I would love to see the SU-27M and EF-2000 come at the same time as a canard showdown

I would’ve liked for the Typhoon T1, Su-30M, F/A-18C, early Rafale C, and J-15 to come at the same time.

Mig29m coming with the hornet sounds ideal to me, with the su27m coming with or shortly after typhoon.

As a naval fighter update, yeah, that could happen. Also, do you mean Su-30M? Since the Su-27M is worse than the Su-27SM, as far as I know.

Wouldn’t the Rafale M come first and don’t all of the Rafales use AESA?

The Rafale M is just a naval version of the Rafale C, with both using the same weaponry and such, and I have no idea about the radar.

Ah, I only say the Rafale M because it came first and had less developed capabilities

Wouldn’t the MIG-29KR and F-18 come together?

The SU-27M has worse avionics, but a better radar, larger vertical stabilizers, and canards.


The SU-30M2 is essentially just a twin seat SU-27SM

That one is German, I am speaking about the UK’s