Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

In short: PESA up until F.3-4+, AESA starting with F.3R.

In (very) long:

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Ah, thank you, that would make it an even match for the SU-30

I know, the british ones also carried 4 AIm9s just cant find an image of it, there used to be one on the old forums but its now a dead link, and it would have to been able to since the early typhoons didnt have ASRAAMs

While AESA sounds crazy powerful and potentially “game-breaking” you gotta ask the question: is it really?

What do you actually use the radar for in Air RB for instance?

Search is… IDK… good enough already combined with player markers I don’t see how AESA makes a difference
-TWS is also good enough already, do you need more lock quality when all you’re doing is guiding the missile onto approximate location of enemy? Fox-3 uses it’s own radar anyway in Pitbull phase.
-Fox 1 lock quality, I guess? But who uses fox-1 still?

AESA would only make a significant difference on EC maps where you don’t already know where everyone is already due to how large they are.

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Sure, but even then it wouldn’t be the huge boogeyman that some make it out to be

IMO we could get AESA as soon as the engine is ready, which is IDK when

AESA in ASB would be insanely powerful allowing you to near immediately search, IFF, and engage targets effectively, especially in BVR scenarios.

yea it was fully , well almsot (he’s asleep)

Hmmm true enough, but it’s still possible to implement if this is reflected in the BR of aircraft that have it

We’ll have to tackle it at some point

As long as aircraft of every nation receive it along with PESA radar, and are adequately separated from aircraft with more inferior search times, yes, I agree.

In my opinion, asymmetrical balancing would be better, like an Su-30 coming with PESA alongside the Typhoon with its significantly superior flight performance.

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Sadly Gaijin doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to introducing game-changing new technologies in a balanced and fair manner


The SU-30 would have a PESA radar which in game is going to be nearly identical to AESA, but have TVC to counter the agility of the Delta Canard configuration of the typhoon/rafale.

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I have not heard anything about the base Su-30 having TVC.

The base SU-30 is a twin seat SU-27S. I am referring to the SU-30SM which is the correct counter to the Rafale, I would say.

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Gaijin just being extra cautious with AESA on aircraft for some reason. tbh we should of already had an XF-2A which would of just had AIM-7Ms using its first gen APG-1 ASEA radar as a test bed for future AESA radars in game but gaijin said nah…

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There is more to it than just being a two seat Su-27, and why do you think I’m talking about a later variant and not an earlier one?

The SU-30s up to the SU-30SM lack a non N001 series radar, as well as TVC. This would neglect it extremely and make it DOA if added with an EF-2000 or Rafale.

Two seat could’ve been a meaningful advantage if Gaijin had actually modeled the benefits this provides, and not just the downside of a bigger and heavier aircraft

Some ideas, just throwing this out there:
-Enhanced visibility/situational awareness (especially backwards)
-Voice callouts for important events such as missiles
-RIO/WSO radar locking things for you using a HMD-like mouse cursor

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The SU-30SM was the first of the non export series to use the N011 BARS radar which is the first Flanker based PESA radar.