Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)


An F/A-18 won’t do German CAS any good. If they add the Swiss F/A-18C to Germany then it will be air to air only. Switzerland never fitted air to ground weapons to their Hornets


The only F/A-18 they could get, the Swiss one, has no A2G capabilities.


Technically Smin did not say that other nations would get the F/A-18 at the same time as the US.
He only said that no other nation would get it before the US. So his statement still leaves the possibility open, that the US would get the F/A-18 before any 3rd party nation could get it

@YeeT_and_Delete its still possible
swedish gripens got mavericks they never used and the swiss pilots were fully trained in cas as well
it is another f4f aim 9j situation as well

True, but the Legacy Hornet can be added to quite a few nations other than the US via subtrees or just through the relationships between countries so it would be quite stupid of Gaijin not to capitalise on basically adding the same aircraft to as many nations as they reasonably can

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Absolutely. Just wanted to point the possibility out.
If we go for all possible additions we get:
USA: US Navy Hornet
Germany : Swiss Hornet
Britain: Australian Hornet/Canadian Hornet
Japan: Malaysia Hornet
Italy: Spanish Hornet
Sweden: Finnish Hornet
if I didn’t forget any


sure but many planes have stuff they should not have

The F/A-18 has the capability of being the new F-16 in terms of how many TTs it can go in


nice example french tiger hap, physical unable to use hot 3 missles

This is just for shiggles don’t get mad at me

Usa - no duh they would get the F-18

Germany - Swiss F-18s

Britain - CF-18 or Australian F-18s

Japan - Malaysian F-18s

China - Taiwan had F-18s land on the island a few times so basically the same as purchasing and operating a whole fleet

Italy - Spanish F-18s

France - Trialed the F-18 before receiving the Rafale M

Sweden - Finnish F-18s


i think you mean CF-118

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The government calls it the CF-188 so it’s easier to cut out the third number

i realy dont get why they do it though

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Idk either, some people just have to be different

they might have gotten sick of saying sorry and took it out on the world my adding random numbers to planes

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You forgot France and China, take a look at my list for my no good very bad do not listen tot me reasoning ;)

True, but now that you bring that up, Gaijin is operating in a risky area. Like for example (assuming that the Swiss F/A-18 gets its A2G weapons), what is stopping me from successfully arguing the the US tree should get ASRAAMs; because while the US didn’t adopt it, it was tested by the US and compatible with Sidewinder rails.

simple because US has alternatives
besides that many vehicles have tested armament they could get
fact is just that most just dont need it, but many others got them as well.
gajin decides it balance wise, and the US doesnt need asraams for balance, they gonna get aim9x
sure its one of the worst western modern missles, still good enough

I think it was part of the unification stuff as all aircraft that enter service have a 100’s number post-unification.

Most Canadian aircraft after 1968 have 3 names.

The official military one: “role letter code”-“three digest number” ex. CX-131.
If it’s a US aircraft it’s the “public name” something not used officially but most people call it that “letter code”-“US number” ex. CF-5.
This really only applies to Canadair stuff, its production name ex. CL-28.