then it most likely wont come, gaijin seems to only allow fully built prototypes
I get it, you are excited about a potential addition to the game, but please do not call that “plenty” or “reliable” data
I don’t remember the designation, but there was an Italian heavy bomber that was capable of carrying midget submarines. It was planned to attack New York, but it was destroyed in an air raid.
I’m sorry but an aircraft carriering submarines?
Yes, miniature submarines
And here i thought german engineers smoked ***** during the war
If we assume that Germans smoked drugs during the war, I dread to think what Italians smoked. They had a lot of crazy ideas and implemented many of them into production (usually not very large-scale).
I’m still waiting for the Yamato.
Laugh at the italians but most of their crazy ideas worked (commando frogmen)
I’m not saying they didn’t work, I’m saying they were strange ideas
he-274 is a better choice
they also can add this bomber to france too cuz france took it after war
able to carry 4,000 kg bombs
Was A-150 ever laid down? I thought it never left the planning stage
This is not the place to discuss this however I don’t really like what I read here. So if you’re really interested in Operation Catapult, I encourage you to read the book “The Fleet that faced both ways” by Anthony Heckstall Smith. It’s eye opening, especially in the way it shows the British responsability in that disaster and it gives you a very clear answer as to why none of what the British proposed were acceptable in any shape or form, and why this entire operation was a total fiasco from start to finish. Not to mention that the guy got to interview the main actors of the time, like Sommerville and North, back when they were still alive.
Can I ask is why is the Ki-200 still at 8.7 with Mig-21, F-104 and lightings ?
Only if we finally get b29s with 10000 pound bombs.
heh, i’m always down for a bit of reading, and moreover i’d rather be corrected by someone a bit less amateur than me.
thanks for the recommend!
If we’re going to talk about fantasy planes for Japan…
My understanding is that it was never seriously considered for production
The KX-03 is an interesting project, but the Japanese would not be able to produce it due to its size