Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

So in summary for the BP, since it needs to be specifically a heavy bomber, with guided weapons, afaik these are the most likely options:

  • He 177
  • Fw 200
  • Ju 290

A bit more out there (existed and flown, but never carried the Fritz X or Hs 293)

  • Ju 390
  • He 274

Even more out there and very unlikely (prototype never made it to flight)

  • He 277
  • Ju 488

Most previous event tanks were the 3rd reward of the BP. So with that, as controversial, boring and (in my personal opinion) stupid as this is, I sadly suspect the Gaijin will make the tank crate the level 75 reward. The Murmansk will be the level 50 reward most likely.
So with that, the German plane will have to be the low tier reward. As such, I put my money on the Fw 200, with an off chance to the Ju 290.


Yep, but I think AGM-88 HARM is about equal to ALARM (especially assuming they dont model ALARMs special attack profile) and quite a few nations use AGM-88.

So unless it was only US, Britain, France and Soviets. (as I dont think anyone else operated ARM before AGM-88s but they are a type of missile im not confident speaking on) then they should add ALARM as well and other more “modern” 1980s era ARMs

Is the special attack profile on ALARM the one that it just hangs by a parachute until the radar its targeting activates?

Yep. Highly doubt they’ll model its loiter thing



Hmmm, I think so too.

It would be very cool if it did though

Yeah, it would

I just see that as making it easier to shoot down with guns or optically guided missiles anyways since the missile hanging on a parachute will be a fairly obvious thing to spot.

Probably, though IRL, like during Desert Storm, Volleys were fired off ahead of Tornado Gr1s with bombs or JP233s and were conducted at night.

In-game yeah, I could see them being shot out the sky, but then SPAA are attacking the missiles and not the aircraft firing them, so they’ve still done their job to a certain degree.

so are we expecting any new jets for soviets in upcoming update or we gonna be stuck with the su27?

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gonna be stuck with

are you saying it’s not competitive with it’s 12 missiles?

others are out here flying phantoms

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I’m thinking really small update with 1 major vehicle and a lot of fixed bugs (cope lmao).

General Lee had a good theory on his stream last night that it’s probably the Kfir C.10 as it wouldn’t be meta shattering but interesting enough to make an update around.


@Smin1080p_WT I don’t know if it was answered somewhere, I didn’t find it, so… will Boxer MGS go up to 10.7 or will it stay at 10.3?

KINGS OF BATTLE, which was the corresponding update to the one we’re about to have, had a decent amount of stuff and not “just” a single vehicle and a lot of bug fixes. Japan received their top tier Anti-air, China received what is still now their best CAS option, the US received their first F-111 and much more…


8 of which have the range of a slightly longer r73, i have better luck still running r27s

if I can get kills with a Gripen A that has no ARH by crawling up close to the enemy then you can absolutely be expected to do the same with vastly better missiles

just need to stop trying to use everything long range and finally get used to your limitations

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Yeah that’s why I’m saying it’s just a theory, updates flow a lot in terms of content they provide. We always want more vehicles per update but I think it’s about time everyone takes a breather and pumps out lots of QOL changes and bug fixes.

Reworked IR signatures maybe? (Unfiltered cope)

just about any top tier missile will get kills close range, that doesnt mean aim9m is on par with aim120

it doesn’t need to be on par, it just needs to be used within it’s capabilities

and R77 is a mighty good ARH at shorter ranges

right but what if you dont want to limit yourself to close range without having to use fox 1

then you’re probably knowing that you’re weaker in this specific situation