Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

he was asking that if it can lock i said it doesnt how is that irrelevant?

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someone else already said that

Gonna be honest. air to ground/surface search radars only really have a use in SIM, and as much as i would love more of them and proper implementation in general (and SIM to be fun) its not really as big a deal as people are making it out to be.

it doesn’t seem to be hard when 3 planes just got them just like that

if they’re not added for irrelevance reasons rhen why do those get them?

why not just C&P them if they’re not that important?

its there it’s already modelled

You mean Guizhou FTC-2000 basic or Hongdu K-8P ?

The chinese export lead-in fighter trainer (LIFT)/light attack aircraft FTC-2000 basic

I think FTC-2000 good attack aircraft high tier

I’m waiting this attack aircraft

someone said that it can track…

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whats your point? why do you keep this going?

what do you want to tell me with this message?

Dude, i respond a to a guy (which wasn’t even you) that asked for a simple question “can it lock tanks?” and i said that it cant… , youre the one that is dragging on the discussion.

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So by your deffinition, SU24M does not have a working ground radar

Just realised one of the ASEAN Countries use starstreaks


Looks like Indonesian gov license plate. Am i right OP?

Yes that’s from Indonesia. Btw do you still live in south east asia?

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URO Vamtac with Starstreak

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Moved back to Europe permanently last April. Brought my Indo wife and half Indo baby along so my heart is still partly there!


This variant is for Pakistan. Im talking about the PLAAF designation “JL-8”. I do want both variants in the game.

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not related to next update but has anyone else noticed that notching works much better when going slightly away from the missile? like 5’ clock instead of 3’?

Meteor NF for great britain (RAAF & RAF) and france (Armée de l’Air) tech tree except Isreal Air Force because already in the isreal tech tree

For Sweden (Flygvapnet) and Israel (FAB) tech tree. my guess

gib hornet

wasn’t even aware that the french used the Meteor NF, agree that they should get it

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Who decided israel gets LatAm? I want to speak with them. And tell them to never post again.

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