Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Plz no more Czech or slovak vehicles in SSSR TT I am personally offended by it (I am Czech)

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All MBTs are not balanced though. Merkava 4M, WZ1001(E), Ariete AMV, and to a lesser extent the Leclerc SXXI all are very substandard in most metrics.

MBTs only tell half the story, too. If a nation doesn’t have good SPAA(Italy, Israel), it’s more likely the team it’s on will have a lower amount of SPAA overall and be susceptible to CAS.

That is why the heatmap is important, it congeals all of that into a single stat that we can look at and get a general idea of how that nation fares. We all agree Germany and Israel have very weak top tier lineups, and it reflects on the heatmap because the stats are a reasonably generalization.

Why? It was part of Warsaw and where would you put them otherwise? They should be put there.

You made the choice to take offence to it, Gaijin did not choose to offend you, so it is your problem, not Gaijins.

we had that, people obviously cried(like they do now)

it was called last man standing, you could switch between gunner and driver

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They are all fake. Just to save you the time.

People just apparently need to make endless fakes nowadays for the memes.


Yes Czechoslovakia was part of warsaw pact but let me remind you that the only county invaided by it was Czechoslovakia. And I would be happier if Czechoslovakia came in its own tech tree or as par of lets say V4 TT

Germany? Weak? LOL! Best heli in the game, meta cas, 2 great MBTs with a 2PL for the T-80U of Germany, TAM 2C for the light tank.
It’s rather strong, at least as strong as Soviets, likely a bit stronger with that CAS which is probably why Mig-29s appear to shoot it out of the sky.

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more slovak vehicles in ussr tree(im slovak)

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AMX-30 Super is literally the same concept.

AMX-30 Super is premium, does it actually fly the french flag in game or is it an export vehicle?

That comes off as a bit biased. I don’t think a single person would agree with you on the helicopter being the best. That award would easily go to the Ka-52 in the current meta, or possibly the AH-64D/AH Mk1 situationally due to the extended ordnance capacity.

CAS is alright, but easily outshined by M2KD. Only 2 great MBTs compared to 3 for the US, 4 for Russia, and 4 for Sweden. That doesn’t include light tanks, which boost those nations even higher with 2S25M, HSTVL, half of the Italian Tier VII, and the CV/CT90s.

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Leakposters on suicide watch after smin posts lmao

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Considering the plentitude of Russian vehicles available, making a “East Europe” tree with the primary nation being Poland or Czechia would make sense. That way Russia’s tree doesn’t bloat more than it already does and we get a new tree to play with interesting modifications or domestic designs

Don’t know if this is off topic, but with the new roadmap post they are planning to move the M1A1 HC out of the M1A2 line to the M60 line.

Could this mean that they are splitting the Abrams’ into an M1A2 line and M1A1 line after which future upgraded M1A1s can be added (like the M1A1D, AIMv2/SA and FEP).

Holy shit they foldered the challenger 2’s
Man, hats off to Gaijin for following through with their word and making the game better for everyone. That rocks!


Gib Sea Dart pls


USA has 4+ great MBTs, since you’re missing M1A1 HC and/or AIM.

kinda proving my point for me lol
