Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

They should have 2km range and be all aspect.

well they balanced their BR because of the outrage slightly

Clearly they should just uh add an A to the front of SRAAM that would solve all of Britain’s problems lol

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So true!

Not enough unfortunately. I tried the F6 and immediately got shot down by an A6

hey they were pretty good 5 years ago

Still got that leak m8 lol

I could really use a Leek rn, guess an onion will have to so instead


i just want to see my new shiny leo toy dev blog, and hope it will be actualy viable, i dont want to think to much about air, because i know there is nothing besides maybe the f4f ice, which will not come without amraams

Shallot is my preference tbh

ain’t got no Shallot either

regular Onions grow better in my garden

You know it’s probably gunna have less armour than the CR2

Only US mains complaining about not being OP enough


i am not sure if serious or joking that gajin will fuck up the leo

Is it soviet?

If the answer is no then yes, they will screw it up.

that is fair, just like they screwed up the PSO, somehows the add on armor makes it so that shoots that bounce on 2a5 /2a6 , penetrate through the PSO with more armor

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Yep, that sounds about right

Imagine being such a minor nation that you have to jump through whatever loopholes you can to get other countries’ vehicles in your tech tree, lol.

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Assuming the Chinese leak is real, it’ll be interesting to see what variants of the Su-27 and F-15 they add. AFAIK the Su-27s only got R-77 with the SM mid-life upgrade.
So we getting a Su-27 with R-27 only alongside what? A SARH only F-15 and Su-27 to compliment Fox 3 F-16s and MiG-29s? Or even the 27SM and 15C in one patch.
Or no Fox 3s at all and JAS-39 gets like Skyflash or nothing lmao


Wouldn’t have to if they didn’t keep denying our native aircraft or weapon systems. Or if they ever finished any of our aircraft