Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

I just hope they dont screw up the armor on sepv2 this time which they probably will.

Ok? Like we already know Gripen is coming, there’s no surprise here. F/A-18F has almost 0% chances of being added this update, F-15… well it’s not even the Eagle in the Logo, Su-27 is possible I guess.

I just don’t think that MiG-29 from over a year ago was a direct prediction of its future addition back then. Same with these things in the christmas logo.

" The governor-general of Australia is the representative of the monarch, currently King Charles III, in Australia . The governor-general is appointed by the monarch on the recommendation of the prime minister."


Those LERX’s look deceptive at angle, I don’t think that’s actually an F. It looks more like a D that has been degraded in image quality, and is at an angle that makes the LERX’s look wider than the original image they probably used.

Best way to tell would be for someone to upload the HD version they found.

We already established that CDK version is the 18D

I’m talking about the logo mate. But thank you.


My bad, thought you were talking about the leaked model


Look at underwing pylons. Not a single legacy Hornet has 6 of them.

The british tree should be part of a dutch tree.


Yeah I hope they give it some decent armor.

I’ll throw in an even hotter take
British tech tree should be part of French tech tree



It looks like a 29M

Why 29M when there are other planes smh…

I don’t see the problem with adding F/A-18 (A or B) capability wise, and A+ (which allows AMRAAM) could also be feasible if they want to implement Fox-3.

It wouldn’t be that much better than F-16, and it would fill in gaps in a number of nations. (Such as UK)

Its not a guess im just playing .


They could just add F-18C and gimp its missiles for rn


If AMRAAMs arrive, then AIM-120A/B+AIM-9M
Also 18C would be nicer because of EPE engines for better performance

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Maybe A+ for some event but Id like to see F-20A as the next event plane

pretty sure thats the YF-17