Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Large LERX? Legacy Hornets have much smaller LERXes

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But here is the thing if we are getting premium IDS Tornados then assuming they will be still at 11.3 and with 12.3 being our top BR.

I’m guessing we could see at least a BR 13.7 right ?

I dont think radar nerf is needed. Compariable radars are already on the way, like the SHar FA2 and Gripen C. The DA2 would have reduced AoA and weaker engines.

Loadout nerfs (maybe a cap to 10 missiles, easily done if they just leave fuel tank pylons as fuel tank only)

The tricky bit is the AMRAAM. So would need other top tier aircraft armed with AMRAAM as well to be balanced, but no reason why Typhoon has to come after them. Which is why I reckon June Next year as the earliest it could come without issue.

simple ahistorically add the Skyflash to it until it would be “balanced” to have the AMRAAMs

Premium 11.3s are already in game, (and all but soviets are missing an 11.3 premium CAS jet) so I dont think it would mean anything. Im expecting 12.7s this update though.

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Easiest to spot are additional antennas on the nose (little bulges). A/B have 1 while C/D have 2.
F/A-18B for example:


That could work, but I hate Skyslugs

Ah yea I forgot

exactly it would balance out the fact the radar would be amazing but we would also have way better agility

Still has RAF tail markings and colours.

But man, Premium Tornado would be a beast in the SL farm in SB. That would actually probably be a purchase if its on the British Tree (and maybe something to consider for the German or italy tree as a way of farming their air lines)

Since I’ve just brought the 104 I would be pis*ed but then again they won’t be on sale until like November so yea

Im glad I saved my pennys this sale. (was nothing even worth considering imo)

I wouldn’t expect any additional brackets upon release
Maybe with next BR revision

I know it’s a whole debate over the Hornet in the logo, I do think the D will get added but it would not surprise me if someone just didn’t do the research and put a Super silhouette on there. Most people (Unless you are horny for hornet) tend not to know the difference between the legacy and Super if they don’t know what to look for / aren’t comparing them side by side.

It almost like they have some tie to UK that some people are unable to see


Im just assuming 12.7s as typically we see 2 stops added per year. This year we’ve only seen 1 so far

if ARH does come, they may initially consider adding all ARH aircraft at 12.7 just so they cant see 11.3s.

Logo one has 6 underwing pylons like Super Hornet. Legacy Hornet has only 4.

Weren’t F-16s and MiG-29 12.0 in Apex Predators?

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Yes, in December. We went from 11.3 ---- > 12.0 in 2022

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