Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

I don’t see any canards on it.

same, cya

I think you are reading too much into calibre. The KGV has a heavier broadside weight than Bismarck, with significantly better armoure designed for that of a 16-inch armed battleship nothing in game could scratch her.

Not only that but the 14 inch guns have almost as much explosive filler as a 15 inch gun whilst having marginally less penetration. The UK put EVERYTHING it had into the 14 inch gun so the ships main battery wouldn’t hold it back.

QE and R class though should already be in game theyre literally what prompted the Bayern class.

JAS39 in the upper left corner, Su27 in the lower left corner, and Mig 29 on the right side

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In War Thunder, those impenetratable turtleback means more than simple main armor comparison. And number of rounds per minute and reload speed means more than ‘broadside weight’ in this game, which Bismarck severly superior.

yeah that is true hopefully the KGV actually get HE shells since british 15inch guns dont get any kind of HE

The KGV’s reload rate at optimal which is where gaijin takes it from is only 4 seconds slower, with an extra gun, of course im not arguing that WW1 turtlebacked armour schemes dont do better in war thunder, but its also worth noting that tbe KGV penned through the turtleback and into the machinery.

My point was primarily that KGV would be broken.

The far right looks like F15.I don’t think there is a mig29 in this photo.


I’m surprised although the SAP should overpressure but thats if it fuses.

I doubt the KGV had anything but SAP and AP shells.

Wings seem to be purposely covering them

It’s difficult to see, but the intakes look a little too low to be an F-15.

wtf… yea thats definitely the su27, long nose

there is no depth to the silhouettes, they may seem low but may be higher

Oh I can tell just by how the Tailsections shaped its an Eagle

So we may get no blogs this week but I think we can all agree this is nice at least

su27 from side

Can’t wait for devblogs. Really keen to see what kind of update we are getting?


Your comparing KGV 30 second and Bismarck 25 second right? Then you have to know in War Thunder Bismarck can get 17 seconds because it is techincally possible.

HMS DOY can penetrate Scharnhorst’s turtleback in battle of North Cape because there were vertical part on that turtleback in Scahrnhorst. Bismarck has none of such vertical part. And while Bismarck’s turtleback angle is 68 degree, Gaijin set 100% ricochet angle of APCBC as 72 degree, meaning shell would be ricochet despite how much shell’s penetration has even in slightest angle Bismarck would take.

On the other hand, KGV’s hull armor is strong, but not impenetratable even in Schanrhorst at close range of 7.5 km. And in realistic battle it is common range between capital ships.

KGV never able to be broken. British slow turret traverse, week turret armor, average reload speed would make her only one of strongest at 14-inch battleship, not comparable to those of late 15-inch battleships.

Could actually be the F15A and Su-27

it is a gripen, canards wouldnt be visible as theyd just be in the wing

closest image to whats in the pic


British SAP in game has longer fuze than AP(0.035 vs 0.025) meaning that fusing it is more difficult. KGV has only HE and AP while HE ‘can’ have base fuze but Gaijin currently didn’t give multi-fuze HE to capital ships

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