Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Yeah, they do seem to be in a good place, and with a lot of their upcoming additions being C&Ps of Soviet aircraft, they are likely gunna be quite strong for the foreseeable future as well.

I’m just praying that when it comes to the Chinese flankers we don’t get the Germany treatment

It’s a shame they dont move that fast for all nations. Tornado Gr1 was discovered to be able to carry BOL rails (both in documents and pictures) no word as of yet if its coming at all.

Even the Harrier Gr7 is still unable to carry 540 bombs on 7 out of 9 pylons. This was reported practically a year ago. Even though the bomb exists on 2 out 7 pylons already…

Yeah, especially when you consider that the UK only has so many potential Strike planes. Also sometimes it just feels like Gajjin is lazy with adding new weapons and such, like we’re still missing the skipper bomb for the USA(rocket boosted LGB)

Think they might try to squeeze a WWM season into the last month of this year ? They added a tonne of iconography for it last month:
( Unused assets of War Thunder )

Or is this more likely to be a next-year thing.

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Oh I meant a minor nation in how it’s been treated by Gaijin so far. In real life it is certainly a super power. Very impressive in many of it’s more recent leaps of technology and ability.

As good as Chinese tech may be now, it still will be balanced against everything else in this game for competitive gameplay.

Only thaing I don’t like about China is how it’s not that interesting up until top tier.

I reckon they’ve just been waiting for PL-12. Only so many J8-Fs you can add with placeholder weapons till it becomes a major issue

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Since I am using translation software to translate English, I apologize for some misunderstandings. I think China’s lack of strength in the game is due to Gaijin’s bias against minor nations. I use the top aircraft as an example, the United States, Germany, and the Soviet Union got the strongest aircraft in the game, while other countries can only use weaker aircraft, such as China’s TT, the best self-developed aircraft is only the J8F, which is 11.7


I was too slow to post the last time this discussion came up, but we did discover textures for the F-8 export variant earlier this year - this is similar to how we were able to predict the addition of the F-16A and Sea Harrier.

So there 's atleast one more J-8 variant we might expect to see yet.

F-4EJ ADTW「;; (cry)」

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But the question is. Will it be before, with or after ARH addition.

Anything significant about the F-8?

That I don’t think we have the information to answer, we’re just left w/ evidence that it should come at some point.

Compatibility w/ R-27, mainly. iirc a later demonstrator of the type was presented w/ PL-12 also, I don’t know if it could actually use it or not.

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As we are left with a lot of random bits of information on things like that. I am interested in seeing more Chinese aircraft added, so would be good

Yesss plsss

It did exist and there were several versions for Mig23-98. They had different end number.
For example version you were talking about had Mig23-98-1 name. It had enhanced CAS capability, new electronics from Mig21-93 (at least what my source says).

However I am sure it never went into serial production.
And I know you can say its just incomplete demonstrator, yet game kinda has them for long enough already, or for example planes which inly crashed IRL while they re broken at their BR.


You can’t and won’t. the GDR’s relationship to the USSR in no way encapsulates the relationship of the USSR/RuF to the PRC. Xian, Shenyang, NORINCO, they all have a healthy pedigree of manufacturing and development. Domestic examples as well as copies of imports… the Chinese flankers will absolutely distinguish themselves.

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Only if Gaijin allows them to be on par with the Russian Version.

Speaking of F-8 's, when was the last time a plane from the big Artstation leak made it to the game ?

( Kiszivárgott repülők listája – 2019 Május – WT Info )

Was it the F-8E(FN) or am I overlooking something. I know the MDR-6 and DB-3A(USSR) have been in the files at one point or another since 2020, but those haven’t been implemented.

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