Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Afaik, they were planning on doing upgrades for MiG-23 and 27 airframes for those who wanted them. It would’ve been kits/upgrades for export only basically.

The Soviet Union decided they would not pursue any further single engine airplanes as the single point of failure was something that bothered them. This lead to the RuF scrapping all airframes within a decade or so.

If the F-8 IIM really is coming, that might actually help explain the PL-9’s in the file, as they are meant for export as well.

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No reason not to. They’d have to horrible hobble the later Flankers for balancing purposes. There’s no way early to mid Flankers won’t be great.

Gaijin will find a way. It always does.

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It wouldnt be the first time.

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I will be the most annoying Soviet main on this English forum if they do. I promise.

But I am interested in seeing China flourish. ASB is somewhat boring at the moment as you only face Soviet or German aircraft (both always Mig-29s), depsite always being pitted against China. Facing a wider range of aircraft will always be more intersting and knocking the soviets down a peg or 2 is never a bad thing.

As I was when Germany got the MiG-23MLA half a year after Russia got the MiG-23MLD.

Do we actually have the link to this leak? I’ve never heard about the F-8 textures being leaked prior

China could easily have a third fighter line, which would really help to keep the PRC line from getting cluttered.

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@Deathmisser still waiting for that F11F-1(early), I’m sure:

( )


The F-11F-1F would be nice.

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It would also be good to limit the amount of Taiwanese airframes they get (for many reasons) but mostly because trying to VID a Taiwanese F-16 from a US one is a pain in the butt

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That is why for sim, Taiwanese vehicles should be on the NATO side.


Yep, that would be good. I really hope we get better SB line ups. Im not looking forward to RAF Typhoons vs Italian and German Typhoons exclusively when they come

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I just want my precious Euro canards in general.


First discovered here: ( )

And subsequent, relevant info here: ( )

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Interesting, ashame tho that they don’t specify which exact version of the F-8 were getting, tho I can only hope one of the more advanced versions with R-27 compatibility like the F-8 IIM

Edit: after a quick look I actually couldn’t find any versions of the F-8 other than the IIM so that gives me hope.

Little hard to google F-8 without the USN jet popping up. Is F-8 a different name for the J-8 with US avionics or something?

Russian avionics, but yes it 's a variant of the J-8. The hyphen is optional.