Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

If britain gets both. For me, probably the Gripen as a Psuedo Typhoon.

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I think 'allied"-“redfor” is likely so most likely Poland.

I wouldn’t mind Poland I want some of their low their tanks and that one Sci-FI tank they have.

Don’t worry we can share. You guys did buy a lot of planes we did build ourselves. including jets.

Tho if the UK did get the Arrow I have a feeling it would be like the Israeli event vehicles in US. Give a C&P symbol for the UK one and add to Canada as well. like there is no way your not giveing a Canada tree the Arrow there would be a riot. As bad as if the Yanks weren’t even given their own big-name plane and some other nation got it first and they didn’t.

I worded that poorly if yall get the CF-18 and we get the Gripen is what I meant

dont worry britan wont get cf18 or grippen. its HAL Tejas

Yeah, though gunna be a lot of fighting over where “avro” stuff should go. Like the Germans do with their producer.

Honestly I wouldnt complain that thingll be a R A T

As I only play one nation, and if we only got one additon, then its an easy chocie. Unless it was a really bad dogpoo one like the Tejas, in which case Im uninstalling hte game again.

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Tejas would be good no? Or is it because its Indian :p

i hear ya but my money is on the Tejas as it would fit with majority of the updates for british top tier. if you expect the worse you wont be disappointed (the motto of the british tree)

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Basically yeah. It just doesnt fit. Even slightly.

learning an entirely new set of misisles, likely new radar set up, etc etc. For one single aircraft that has no buissness being anywhere near the British TT.

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Well I guess itll go to France then if Britain doesnt get it

that is true, though after the backlash from the T-90 SQV. adding even more Indian stuff, especially to the TT this time, would blow up in their faces. Though at least we can get Pantsir for top tier ground SPAA at least

it would be great in the first half of a turn and after that its lost 90% of its energy

Well without a tech tree right now "Avro Canada"s stuff should be UK.

Isn’t it that with German tech it is still the German company that made it? over a branch company for Canada.

the key word there is could. if good vehicles are added they are added past their point of being good

Yeah, though they still complain about it :P

There are still 60 replies, Go.

Yeah thats true. Im expecting Sea Harrier FA2 vs F-15Es

That being said, no matter what we get. If the Tornado Gr1 ever gets finished, even just a few of its features. then I’d probably play that a lot as well. If we also got a premium version then my god, that would be a kinda OP premium farmer in SB.

I nearly got the F4J just for farming SLs, but a Torando IDS would be 10x better

So close to 10k