Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

I mean you’d need an American main around for that. Everyone here agrees is a
Gripen or Hornet.

We have more people here in support for a Canadian Hornet than not.

Tho if there is a way for the UK to get an F-15 from a nation that’s on the table as it is the rumoured planes.
Tho the plane experts I know believe it is too soon for an F-15 and should be an F-18.

Yeah, Signapore F-15s are a really messy addition. Great for winding up US mains though. But not overly practical for our TT

I personally dont think 12.7s like the F-15 are needed anytime soon. But on the other hand. the Sooner we get aircraft like the F-15. The Sooner we get Typhoon.

The SAPSPAN is a real targeting pod, built for Russians multi role jets, there’s no reason why they wouldn’t put it in the Su-30/35 and I for a fact that their are atleast pics of it on some Russian jets


Su-34 has an integrated targeting system “Платан”


I familiar with this, but I’m curious if it could mount the SAPSPAN since it would be a much superior targeting pod

That’s fair you Brits want your best plane sooner than later.

That and I didnt pick Britain to play Canadian (No offence, they certainly need better representation in game) or South African airframes either. Whilst something like an F-18 or Gripen would certainly tie us over short term and be an intersting airframe for our TT. I really would prefer British stuff and nothing, absolutely nothing, beats a Typhoon roaring overhead at an airshow.


USA got F-111 in the previous update

(I was being sarcastic, they’ve had something every single update since last December)

bro is really fkn simple if they are going to add the gripen with just IR missiles they just should add it in the past updates and not keep sweden waiting for a more capable platform for 1 year. come on its just simple logic, they are going to add the Gripen-C with AMRAAMS this update and that means fox-3s for everyone atleast.

They have actually confirmed that not every nation needs to get fox 3 in the exact same update. Though if the Gripen C gets AMRAAM, then most probably will on their top tier fighters

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Thinking about it only the Yanks have a problem with this. Frankly, the Yanks believe everything Canadian should be theirs like there isn’t years of history when Canada did everything it could to not be American.

“Canada wants to become part of America” that floats around the internet in frankly ridiculous and false.
It’s like saying “Poland wants to be part or Germany or Russia” or “Korea part of Japan” let’s just say you’d get on the bad side of plenty of people from those nations.

Yeah, agreed there. Im also fairly certain they want to remain “Meta” and the idea that another nation might be able to match them (In either a C&P of their jet, or in something with equal capabilities) is abhorrent to them. Why I think the Typhoon gets so much push back. Because it would no longer be a 2 horse race at top tier


Eventually its going to be Russia and the US getting the same jet over and over but slightly different

And by extent im technically not a main of any nation if yall need a US input I can

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Yep, but funny enough SU didn’t get any new plane last update.
Imagine if US or SU get nothing at all in one of the updates, forum would blow out. For some nations it sometimes happens and it doesn’t even surprise its mains.
Though imo situation is a bit better nowadays and usually everyone get at least one new toy.

Probably, but at least eventually there will be aircraft like the Gripen E, Typhoon, Rafale, etc mixing things up a bit (though, assuming they dont nerf non-US and non-Soviet airframes)


That’s fair and I’ve made it clear that I rather have a Canadian tech tree than what we have now.

But the chance to get the Canadian Hornet has got me involved and I’d be happy for now.

This really boils down to despite the objections of some people new nations are needed. because there are so many unique mods and versions of stuff that can’t be added because of stuff like the fact the US has a billion F-18s they could get so something like a CF-18 wouldn’t come unless event, UK stop-gap or Canadian tech-tree.


Yeah, for someone like me who only really likes air and only plays Britain, 2 updates per year with something is a lot of content for me.

But yeah. there would be a nervous break down if they got nothing

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what yall think its gonna be in tomorrow’s devblog or next devblog?

At this point im hoping for a Naval blog to see everyone seethe.