Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Well tbf the F15 is very manuverable and quite decent at retaining energy is used properly

I agree, the F-15 is surprisingly agile for it’s size. I don’t think it’s comparable to F-4 at all.


I have branched out and started playing China, who I consider a minor nation, and I’m more than happy to not upset the balance too hard… That being said, if minor nations get Fox-3’s for their current gen 3.5/4’s, to bridge the parity gap, it will be time for the early Su-27 and F-15’s, imo.

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Maybe… Though I think they’d also be fine with the current 12.3s they litterally just got and giving those early Fox 3 adopters even just 3 months of relative balance would be nice. Before looking at Su-27/F-15 intro say March. Would be a good timeline then for things like the Typhoon to come say, June or September

I’ve been trying to find some info on it but I don’t have any good comparisons. Usually it’s F-15 vs some non-NATO jet comparison.

I feel like since F-15s were made for air superiority until the E, it’d make sense that they’re agile but at the same time, the doctrine about launching missiles from far away makes me feel like they didn’t need to be agile, when compared to something like the F-16.

I hope the new Yank plane this update is the F-18 so I can get the CF-18/188 in the UK.

but that’s my wishful thinking.


The F-15 is not comparable to the F-4 at all, the F-15 is way more maneuverable. Easily beating F-16s in mock dogfights over the hostile skies of… Nevada.


Please take a quick look at the video I posted.

Now imagine a F-4 Phantom pulling the same moves. I certainly can’t.

And thats not even factoring in things like radar performance, RWR capabilities, etc etc

This too
However in the case of this conversation the F-2 might have the F-15 beat there

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Check this out for some first hand info from an Eagle driver. Talks about air combat (both BVR and WVR) against just about everything flying. Talks the tactics and conclusions he formed. It is a multi part series but he goes into detail.

And yeah, the F-15A to C were pure air superiority fighters (not a pound for air to ground). Designed to fight far and close. The E was the program that turned the Eagle into a strike platform.

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If Fox-3s are added for lesser platforms, Russia can get the MiG-21-93 with R-77s.

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Even the FA2 would have the early F-15s beat in terms of radar performance. I think going forward, true balance is nearly impossible. So they are going to have to make some compromise at some point, probably with possible loadout configurations. Otherwise some nations coud be way behind for a long time (Britain only recently adopted an AESA style radar and wouldnt have any aircraft with AESA for a long time. So it would be impossible for any kind of balance. I also dont think the Soviets have anything even close to AESA until aircraft like the Su-57. so they are going to have to find other ways to balance aircraft)

Im more suspecting another Su-25/39 variant. Give them a CAS option at the same time

There is also the MiG-23-98, which to my knowledge can use Kh-29s, so there’s that.
EDIT: Apparently it was only a proposal.

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yeah, that sounds like a reasonable option

Or MiG-23-98, plus the Su-25T and Su-39 if they wanted to try it on strike craft too.

Lol, I’m slow.

It’d be the Su-25TM, since the T couldn’t mount the necessary radar pod.

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Av-8B+ will get AMRAAM in all likelyhood

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Which would add a non-fourth gen Fox-3 carrier for both America and Italy.