Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

DM53 has anti era capability already as well, the stepped tip works similar to tandem charge atgms


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Yeah, A few shells would get a major buff

I love the Osorio. He looks great.
Just out of curiosity, I’m too lazy to investigate now. Does the tank have 1 gen or 2 gen TVD? in gunner and commander?

I would really like to see it in the game along with other Brazilian vehicles.


The last time I remember, gaijin literally said “we have 10 nations in the game, and we plan to have more.” I think that that sum does not include South Africa or Finland (Hungary had not arrived yet).

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Well for the one who playing naval battle constantly, I’ll on the side for Nagato is better. Yes Nelson have all forward gun, and overall good armor. And if Nelson is added as 1945 version anti air would be definitely better.

Problem is Nelson is ship itself is slower, gun penetration is lower, gun reload is lower, and armor is little bit too concentrated on above the waterline and prone to diving shell.

Sidescrapping(or angling) is good tactic in War Thunder but is not invincible. It should be done in the area where bow bulkhead should give appropriate protection. And as both ships don’t have icebreaker at all, too much angling would make them getting penetrated from front. In this case Nelson cannot use all her firing angle because 25 degree would make her bow bulkhead fully exposed.

Don’t forget Nelson would have 3x Triple 16 inch guns. (of course that would mean they’d be stupidly inaccurate and hitting anything would be total RNG) but that should account for something

I’ll score Nelson for fire conveniency with that. But Nelson has theoritical 30 seconds reload(in real 40 seconds reload) and Nelson has theoritical 21.5 secodns reload(in real 24.5 secons reload) so number of gun will be compensated with better reload

I hope britain gets a ifv before and new mbt for top tier

I’ll even take the CTAS Bradley

Just catching up since yesterday:

I think it’s pretty good where it’s at. Best F-16 flight performance and has workable multi-role efficacy. Yea it doesn’t have 9Ms or GBUs with targeting pods, but it can hold its own. That doesn’t mean they can’t get better stuff. As we all know US/RU keep getting better stuff even though they’re fine, so I’ll be looking forward to something still.

Interestingly the Type 81c was passed to devs in August and it showed up 2 updates later. XF-2A was also re-passed to the devs in August too (first was originally in December 2022 in old forums). I’m curious if we don’t see F-15s, if Japan will get that this upcoming update.

Given that the XF-2/F-2 should be a lil better compared to the F-16C Block 40 that it was based on, it will be probably similar to the block 10 flight performance, albeit lower T/W and slower. I wouldn’t say that it’s significantly better unless they give it AAM-3s. If it’s just 9Ls and 7Ms then it’s just a better turning F-16C, especially with APG-68 PD radar.

I don’t think they’ll throw those in there at the start because that’s really strong right off the bat.

Well it’d be pure air supremacy because it would have no guided air-to-ground munitions, which is why it’d fulfill a different role compared to the AJ which at least has mavericks.

Well from my understanding and @Fireraid233 /others can correct, but it sounded like they were going to use the APG-68 in the interim until their own radar was ready. On top of that, there’s 4 aircraft iirc, 2 XF-2As and 2 XF-2Bs and they all tested different things, with the XF-2Bs testing weaponry. So technically XF-2As were not armed in testing, though later were when converted to production.

In other words, the XF-2A we’d get in game is a little bit stitched together and in the realm of plausibility, where it might not have been configured that way exactly IRL, but it could be done. With that in mind, we can say the XF-2A is compatibly with APG-68 PD radar and we can bring it into the game with it while we wait for a proper F-2 with AESA later on.


I feel like 3x KAB-1500L/KR will be an acceptable difference from the MiG-27K while also being balanced. In theory I guess they could sprinkle in the KAB-500’s too, on other pylons, but that might be overkill. Would still have enough space for at least one pylon to have the double R-60M’s if it wanted.

If they give us the early version, without guidance capabilities, then I guess it’s fitting with a bunch of 1500 and 500KG bombs and some regular R-60’s. Only complaint is that early Su-24 doesn’t have MAWS, Su-24M is when it gets MAWS.

Pylon listing:


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Tornado’s are missing their 500lb paveways, so im guessing they might not give it KAB-500s for the same reason (not that they’ve said what the reason is)

I’d guess the later Su-24. Though could also see both. An F-111A equivalent and a Tornado IDS equivalent.

honestly with how sketchy bomb interaction is sometimes, i am not sure i would trust those to reliably kill mbts

Nor would I, but they’d be handy in SB for taking out things like convoys or battlefields. 3, is just not worth it I find. But flexability is always nice.

I also think you could take 3x 1ks and maybe 1 or 2 500s at the same time. So you could pick and choose for the target. SPAA would only need a 500

thats fair yeah

Knowing our luck US will get the F15C and we wont get the F15J and get the XF2A without an AESA radar :p

I think they need to do both. Early as the F-111A equivalent, and then we get our Tornado IDS equivalent as an upgrade down the line.

Question is, does the early Su-24 come from the from the Su-17M4, or does it folder with the late, after the MiG-27K.

I also think that the MiG-27K-98 should come as an event vehicle, much like the Marineflieger, to help round out what would basically be an equivalent to the more advanced Tornados (not that they’re that advanced, nor is it a pressing concern to add it in right now).

I have no idea. I dont know the soviet tree that well. but its probably hte only place that the Soviets is a little lacking in is an Interdictor. Would also be a really solid option instead of something like the Su-27. Keep the soviets happy without messing around with top tier balance anymore

doesnt need to be foldered any where, the lines can have 3 vehicles each rank before the lines need to get foldered

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To be honest, I’ll take that! However, I’m biased as the F-2 is my favorite plane ever, so I’ll always be more hyped towards the XF-2/F-2.

Though to be fair, the XF-2 would perform vastly better than an F-15J unless the F-15J gets AIM-120s or AAM-4s. From what I can tell F-15s are like Phantoms in that you don’t turn fight in them and are just missile boats. Since ARB is all about lobbing missiles then dogfighting while trying not to get 3rd partied, it’d fair as well as the EJ Kai.

I’d still use it in GRB for now though because of TWS being really useful in finding targets without locking them and alerting them.