Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

What that we might get something foreign

They’ll most likely get a CF-18

i think Gripen with non historical loadout

Also, the EUROFIGHTER is too modern to be added yet, we haven’t even reached introductory gripens/su-27’s/f-18’s etc

Why was this flagged? lol Literally way worse posts just left alone… This is why the flag system doesn’t work lol

well the f-16C version we have in game is from 2005 i belive

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I personally can’t see gaijin giving another nation the gripen (Swedens last domestic fighter) to Britain in the same update. They have many commonwealth options so it makes sense to default to those first

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The one we have is at a level where it fits the current top tier and meta. The EUROFIGHTER has a much better radar than the current jets and also has many more hard points for weapons. I think we’re still like a year off at least from the EUROFIGHTER unless we get a prototype or very early variant.

You don’t see them giving the gripen to anyone but sweden, but you think Gaijin is going to add an F/A-18 to britain before the US gets it?

Never even said that

Who said the US couldn’t get an f-18 too? Besides, I mentioned a specific version, the CF-18 used by Canada

EDIT: to clear this up as well, the reason I don’t see gaijin giving the gripen to another nation the same update is because their lack of an in-depth domestic production. The gripen is their last domestic fighter for top tier, every one of the majors has multiple options

They have done it before with US vehicles and considering they confirmed that Sweden and Britain are getting new planes at same time it could be either but Gripen is more likely

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There is much more evidence pointing to the F-15 this update than there is to the F-18.

And I very much doubt the US is getting both in one update.

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Would be funny, Because Sweden woul also get the Finnish F-18

well the question i have is will they limit planes to only be able to cary 4 aim-120’s due to the gripen being only able to carry 4 of them while planes such as the f-15 su27 and eurofighter could carry 8 or more in the eurofighters case

They have done it once, with the AV-8B+. The F-5A is much more iconic to Taiwan than to the US.

Meanwhile there are 9+ examples of US getting their jets at the same time or before other nations.

Doesn’t have to be the same update though. See German migs and the Italian F.3.

Just said it has happened before not that it happens all the time

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That is true, the leak list holds the most credibility currently since it predicted the premiums exactly. But I’m more of less talking from what I think a good line of progression should be. Realistically, we should have gotten an f-18A before the f-14 as well, so gaijin does have a history of skipping over things to add more popular things

Yeah, i know. Same as i know that for sure US and Russia will get new jet also, because Sweden and UK cannot be only one who get new shiny thing

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I agree. Canada should be a sub tree for UK with their Leopards and Hornets and other cool vehicles.