Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Should of got the Arjun

don’t say it, don’t say it, don’t say it, don’t say it, don’t say it


The Skink was a combined program between Canada and Britain, had nothing to do with the US.

Before american mains cry saying “But its built on a Sherman hull”

It was built on a Grizzly chassis/hull, a Canadian built and licensed version of the Sherman, the US let Canada make their own version and thats it.

The US had nothing to do with the design/production of the Skink, the only thing closest is that they let Canada build their own version of a Sherman.

The US also has numerous other options to add as SPAA.


Don’t think, Don’t Say it, Don’t think, Don’t Say it

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What about SAAF Atlas Cheetah with R-Darter?

That one is a nice ARH missile, that their Gripen cannot use.

I dont main Britain, but I have 4.7 for them.

As a Canadian, I find we have decent enough representation ingame regarding boats/ships and tanks/TDs/SPAA, but it would be nice if there was more planes, only real Canadian plane we have is a Canadian built Mosquito which we gave to China, which is still better than none dont get me wrong.

Edit: Had completely forgotten about the CL-13 jets, despite being a German main smh

Yeah, CF-18 would be cool for our top tier, but there are loads of interesting options like the Avro Arrow


Hope tomorrow’s blog is the “new” UK jet. There will be 2000 complaining replies and then UK forgotten by Wednesday xD

Edit: like nice brigading. This isn’t against ToS though.

I swear the 10P has scouting? Remind me and I’ll check when I’m home.

Watch as it’s the very thing you don’t want it to be.

And by your actions, it’s an F-18 in the UK tree.

So pumped for this new update’s camo box that will again have no camouflage for Hungarian vehicles for the third time since their introduction, despite many historical ones having been created during the Sons of Attila dev server period, despite NO ww2 HU vehicle having ANY historical camo.(cause Kubinka paintjob is not Hungarian service camo, and the Zrínyi I Sorozatvető has a completely fantasy camo as historical…gj gaijin)
But maybe we get a BTR camo for the THIRD **** time in a row? Or more CV 90 camo cause it sold so well? POGGERS

I don’t care of UK gets it.
I just think it’s straight jacket levels of delusion.

Like the people saying Smin was lying about the eurofighter not coming xD

What a rant

I think for the majority of people who want more Canadian vehicles, the Avro Arrow is more than likely in their top 3 vehicles to be added.

Definitely has potential alongside the CF-100 “Canuck” series

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Brother i love it so much that we need to cite sources from God himself to get ignored cause “not a bug”, but Gaijin can make *** up like the HU ww2 camouflages. I get swoll down under.


Me when no devblog


Indeed it’s decent representation just would be nice if it’s in the same place.

Planes could be better as we got the CL-13 and the Mosquito(in-game) but neither are actually the ones used by Canada just ones given/bought by others.

The is the more notable ground vehicle we are still missing: namely the Sextion.

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I know gaijin not add Eurofighter Typhoon F.2 & Eurofighter Typhoon Tranche 1 Blk. II in 1 or 2 years (2024 ~ 2025)

But gaijin not add new fighter aircraft toptier located after F-4M Phantom FGR.2 for 4 years

I guess gaijin drop next devblog tomorrow (84%) (tuesday) or wednesday

I can already see this thing as being a bigger missile magnet than the vautour