Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

When he got a day ban his space is open

Japan got F-16 they strongly considered. The also operate F-2 which is based on the F-16. AJ simply fits the tt.

The version we got wasn’t even the brochure version.

Gaijin wanted to give Japan something, but didn’t want to do extra work to make it unique.

If I were UK mains I’d expect similar treatment. Copy Paste incoming

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Though new Zealand F-16s get denied because they were never purchased…

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I know that and I don’t agree with that. It should be updated to brochure version 1:1.

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We all expect a C&P. Anything domestic would be unique and therefore require effort. Just look at every unique thing we have. It’s not usable at the moment. Starstreaks phase through planes. Red tops and SRAAMs don’t track and aren’t model correctly. Etc etc

And what is the new Zealand to UK? It’s not a sub tree and we didn’t even have a single vehicle from the in game until that recently added BP jet.

I expect just copy and paste of the Swedish gripen

It is a commonwealth nation.

Yep same. Would make the most sense. Though I hope it gets some of the SAAF ground weapons. They operate with a lot of ground attack weapons

And UK isn’t a commonwealth tt

Give the best tank the bob semple or what ever its called

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I want this funny-looking thing.



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I think someone drove a car into a tank

I wonder if they’d add the F-14 to the UK TT under the same principle, they where compared to Tornado ADV, only really turned down cause of cost, as it would only be a stop gap until Eurofighter

people already tried
Also the only high tier jet fighter that the US has that won’t go to other nation unless iran one goes to russia

It would be extremely funny, but even a commonwealth F/A-18 is more likely.

SAAF have paveways with a Litening III targeting pod
Funny enough the Indian mig29s can use it as well the pod

That was the justification given the for horrendously bad decision that was the T90. I think a new Zealand aircraft has far better standing in the Britain TT as a commonwealth nation than any Indian Vehicle does.

(For the record, Britain should be Britain, and would rather see British vehicles, but Britain not getting anything in the past year is an excuse, not a fact. There was options. Such as the F16 from New Zealand.)

Australia (and new Zealand) or Canada should have been our sub TT instead of South Africa

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that’s R-27R, MiGs-29 9.12 and export variants couldn’t launch ER variant