Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Leased military vehicles by the nation make sense, for sure. But private company aircraft, have no place in the game. Two different kettle of fish I think


Doubt we’ll see Gripen C from SAAF as it only mounted IRIS-T

German MiG-29s never mounted R-27ER/ET or T and Germany in general never acquired AIM-9J or R-13M1 missiles.

Italian Tornado ADVs never mounted Skyflash Super TEMP.


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i know but you know gajin there properly make it a copy of the one they give to Sweden and call it a day
Also i believe we getting something foreign due to what smin said

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I might be wrong, I’m no German Aircraft expert so sorry if this is actually something else, but is this not R27ER?

If AMRAAM are not coming this update, does this Tornado still make sense

Regular R. ER is longer and its engine is stocking out:

(R-27R - R-27ER)

Commonwealth sounds more likely with all we’ve been told by Smin.

Constantly saying the UK has no domestic airframes for the role needed.


No, Tornado AOP is essentially F.3 with AMRAAM. No visual differences beside radar updates. (Software updates)

Bruh dud its monday they do not work on monday’s another devblog will be tomorrow

Me personally? With that ESports logo, i’m thinking we’ll get F/A-18 or CF-18

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Wasn’t that esport logo already confirmed to be made by a third party non related artist with no intel regarding Gaijin.

Seeing as the esports group is also already a somewhat third party themselfs.

As of now the logo is the least believable thing for me.

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They do work on mondays what are you talking about.

Sadly the logo means nothing and is just false hope


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Most of Mondays never give anydevblog they mostly do not work on Monday

Source on them not working on monday?


also, the engine area is slightly wider

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Still, at a push… Japan got F16s from a brochure. Gripen Ds that do operate in Britain alongside the RAF, doesn’t sound too bad. Gripen C’s from SAAF are 1000 times more likely though

Question. Who replaced you with Deathmisser?

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