Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Only 1 devblog and we are heading for part 3 =) (less than 1000 comments left)

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Thnk someone posted a russian comment earlier with no dev blog toda

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yea without a time or date iirc

I thought it was the SA Gripen only used AMRAAMs? Hence the need for it to have a Alt-history load out.

Only used imaging IR missiles, which have been denied for this update.

So our options are:
Sea Harrier FA.2
Tornado AOP
Or Commonwealth F18

Unless they add a fictional loadout to the SAAF gripen


Pretty sure the Sea Harrier was denied?

Was it? When was this?

I don’t know, one of the Smin interactions with UK mains.

I don’t play UK so don’t track it that closely. I could be wrong

CAS platforms where denied, depends as whar u define the harrirr i guess

This is what’s gonna happen lol
Fictional loadout to real aircraft is better than further opening pandora’s box of commonwealth nations

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I suspect it was referencing Harrier GR9 and Tornado GR4 given they wield Brimstone

That Gripen isn’t RAF tho?

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Honestly i’d take literally anything useful at this point lol

CAS Harrier was. Sea Harrier is a different piece of kit and was mainly for fleet defence

Sorry Morv, we couldn’t.
The RAF doesn’t own any Gripen Ds.

ETPS is a private military contractor that works with the RAF, but is not owned by the RAF. Smin has already denied private company/contractor jets.

Furthermore, they never actually owned this jet. Its essentially a rental jet for flight training. It was never purchased by the UK.

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As far as I agree with the 1st part of your comment, I have to disagree with the 2nd one since Italian F-16ADFs and Tornado ADVs we have in game were leased by them and never owned.

Leased vehicles used by military do have place in War Thunder… It’s true tho that ETPS JAS39D isn’t one of them.

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At least the F-16s used by Italy had Italian liveries, Italian pilots, and their own markings.

The Gripen leased to UK has the Swedish air force roundels still, and I’m pretty sure the pilots are Swedish too?

Our best bets are:

Sea Harrier FA.2 with AIM-120Bs (This would be the most likely addition if ARHs are to come, as SHAR FA.2 was the first RAF aircraft to mount AIM-120)

CF-18 (Mounts AIM-7s and other ordinance we’ve already seen in game)

Tornado AOP (Would be a giant let down)

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