Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

well, nothing unusual, the max scorce was over 5000 in a day. And im making that number low. Alex sure did the magic there

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DM83 last in 2025 for L55A1


I mean sub-trees are announced and added in the same update but I don’t see that added.

Tho I’m in the opinion the our next nation will be a new independent tree.

A new nation and a sub tree are different.

both are new nations added to the game. As they are now official nations in-game.

and from what I can gather form the Snail the treat both as the same thing.

If they treated them both as the same thing, Finland, Hungary, and South Africa would be independent.

would DM73 be OP ?

I see we have a miscommunication here. I don’t know which one of did it but we are now talking circles.

I’m talking about how they treat both as a new nations added to the game. A sub-tree is a new nation it is just added differently from an independent tree.

I don’t see how they are different. the Snail talks about sub-nations like they are office nations in game making then no different from a nation with an independent tree.

Unnecessary, more like.

I see.

That what I don’t get if they are class as nations but not being independent then why are they leaving out SA aircraft and the Hungarian ones

SA ones is simple. Britain has 5 lines already. No room for them (and no need for them)

Hungry on the otherhand. I get the impression its less they won’t be coming, just wont be coming yet. Probably mid next year


Which is weird, as Italy has enough to not be left out at any point going forward for air without any help.

Yeah, I guess its more how relatively “new” italy is to WT, just hasnt been quite as long to add aircraft to the TT yet (Plus Britain was in before ground or naval was a thing, so where italy has additions spread across all 3, Britain for a while was air only)

For SA they said the UK is full.

5 lines full tech tree no room for a sub-tree

last I checked Hungry was stated to be planned for a later date.

did the calculations earlier its like 704mm penetration

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So wouldnt be enough to pen the T-80 BVM :P

Thanks for brining that site to my attrntion again. I have bookmarked it for future use.

You, and the people who made the website are both legends.

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depends, is that before or after gajin finaly adds anti era capabilities to rounds?

As it would only be a nerf for soviets/ buff for NATO tanks, in perticular Britain’s L27A1. Im not expecting it to ever be modeled