Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

You don’t seem to know what a milsim is if you think DCS isn’t one.


Woah no need to be accusing people of trying to start a flame war


I play DCS, it’s not a milsim.
Otherwise I wouldn’t play it, I avoid milsims cause they’re exclusively ran by people who only use US doctrine.

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Then you don’t know what a milsim is. DCS works to simulate vehicular combat, therefore it is a milsim.

Blame milsimmers for defining milsim as “Following military doctrine” then.
They’re in control of the definition, not us outsiders.

A milsim is a simulation of military. That is exactly what DCS is.


I’m interpreting their response in the shooting range as a denial, at least as far as this update is concerned, which, no surprise there.

It leaves the XF-2A (with APG-68 PD) and F-15J as the only two options and if we go by the leaks, F-15J first.

That being said, at the very least it does tell us that the only reason they haven’t added the F-2 yet is the radar. Meaning that if they find information to confirm and/or decide to go with the PD radar for the aforementioned XF-2, then we should see that pretty much any update. Of course, we don’t know if they decide to use the PD radar, till we see the devblog one day.

We will for sure get to part 3 if it will continue like this.

Acrade Millsim is exactly what War Thunder is and I’m 90% sure I’ve seen Gaijin call it something like that before.

Heck you want to know what the main ad for War Thunder is?
Historically accurate plane and tanks.” Gaijin themself pride themselves on being historically accurate.

It’s why the SA Grippin is iffy because it would need an ahistorical load-out of things they didn’t use historically.

Is it me or were there two identical posts? lol

If you want a part 3 you must activate the alexseñal

Which is funny when you consider that after years we still have all tracked vehicles turning like WW2 tractors. I’m pretty sure if you tried to turn a modern MBT by just locking one of the tracks it would detrack the tank.


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We aren’t militaries tho.
We’re people; the tech trees aren’t militaries theyr’e teck trees.
And for DCS we aren’t militaries either.
Players CAN do milsim in DCS & War Thunder with custom sessions, however the base programs aren’t milsim by either of the definitions we’ve come across.

Okay, go away.
Said provocations should not exist anywhere.
& trolls accusing all of us of being trolls… good lord.

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were getting mighty close to 10k again and we only had one devblog

I never once said that we are a military, nor did I say anything that would even so much as hint at it, and in DCS, you play as a part of a military. You can do whatever you want within said military, but that does not change the fact that in game, you are in one.

Watch the F-2 be added in the same patch as the F-22 purely due to its radar, but hey it might get AAM-3,4 and maybe 5

F-15J is probably what Japan is going to be stuck with for a while.

were getting mighty close to 10k again and we only had one devblo

The power of copium and arguing

I didn’t state nor imply you said anything.
And no, I play as part of a PMC if anything in DCS.

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I’m bored and I feel like fighting.


If you want to be a true “anti-American” bigot, stop naming them as if they were a continent.

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Yes, you did. And PMC stands for ‘private military company’.

What are you going on about? I never said anything about that. You implied that a PMC isn’t a military; I explained that it is. Nothing else.