Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

I’m willing to bet £2.50 that AMRAAMs are coming this update, the JAS-39 would be DoA on arrival without them, and it’s going to be the big draw of the patch (alongside rank 8 tanks)

seems to be yes

now if that only would be the case with puma model as well

i do you one better

the: ‘‘we dont have any spare engines left’’ Yugo M18



take it away

Are they like a normal M18 at least one of the? Or both modified?

Im 50/50 on them being added as they would have to add a later su27 or give them to the smt
R77s i mean for balance but who knows

One normal one with FAP engine

It look lioe they just took a front of a tractor and just put it at back.

Unless im mistaken there are no 3D model reports open with the PUMA. I believe you are referring to armour related reports which are not a 3D model rework. Challenger 2E received an updated visual 3D model due to the engine deck area being incorrect.


They wouldn’t add it instead of it, they would add it alongside it. The Hungarian Tiger needs to be a tech tree vehicle. The Italian Tiger is more suitable for a premium.


Another unique Challenger 2:
Challenger 2 Oman

Uses the complete running gear (drive sprocket, idler and road wheels) & TOGS I sight from Challenger 1.
Armor package similar to earlier Burlington rather than Dorchester armor of UK CR2.
Features an improved CV12-8A engine and T2 cooling group with Hydraulic cooling fans.
Also features a M2HB QCB .50 MG mounted on the loaders hatch


This more likely an event then a TT

All Cr2 can do it. UK just doesent like them that much


Or F-16C, Ariete, CV90120, Vickers Mk7, etc.

As for ARHs, they could not come.
JAS-39 would still be as potent as F-16C with only 9Ms.

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I guess how the meta is right now with SARHS being not that great compared to ir it would be fine but if AMRAAMS they should give the SAAF gripen it


I’d still like to know if the colossal amount of problems with CR2 will be fixed this update

Yeah could be as well

Well the meta right now is IR.
ARH will change that, but until then it’s still IR.
No amount of host radar outside AESA would make SARHs strong enough to be stronger than 9Ms, R-73s, and Magic 2s IMO.