Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Question now is who ? mainly SAAF on term of it easier just to repaint it or something else

It would be so funny if SAAF Gripen didn’t get any radar missiles…

It would have a non historical loadout but it would probably be a copy on the one they add to Sweden

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M8 that would be an insult as we are getting a worse Gripen over a domestic prototype

Yeah but the ir missiles it got would be too advanced so i think they would just copy swedens loadout on there’s

Would be unprecedented.
Gripen still carried 9Ms IRL & could carry them from the start.
It’d be historical to the plane.
This isn’t milsim, thankfully. Milsim is too strict & unrealistic.

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We have already reached Hungary

And now what? Gaijin tell us your plans!!!

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Yeah it can still carry them SAAF just never used them
But the will it have AMRAAMS is the question

Challenger 2-LEP (life extension program)
basically Challenger 2.5 or Challenger 3 prototype (the turret’s still Chally 2 based and without the Trophy hard kill APS)



Yeah thats what mostly likely the tank we are getting this update

L55 again

SAAF JAS-39s never carried AIM-120s, they are testing a Fox 3 with with Marlin but thats still W.I.P
Only AIM-9s, A-DARTER and IIRC IRIS-T (could be wrong about this)

However I see them doing an F-4F and just giving them AIM-120 anyway for balance reasons.

~ eh sorry, dunno why I typed that, was thinking of something else ~

Yeah i know never carried them but they cant use SARHS and still gripen C and technically can use 120s

Isn’t that a Strv122 with winter camo?

IF the UK is getting the JAS-39 as their top tier, then it will probably be getting AIM-120 for balance reasons.
A JAS-39 with only IRs would be DoA

Yeah but thats only if AMRAAMS are actually coming

Challenger 2Es model was corrected some time ago from its previous configuration.


Bad Fake