Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Maybe devs are using custom hangars because they’re bored of the standard one? xD

I wouldn’t count on it, Sea Harrier is still way more likely

This leak is clearly false.

The tank model is literally just Leopard 2A6.

No APU, no remodelled back, no mine armor, wrong, old smoke-grenade launcher layout, no spaced plates on the turret roof’s back.

For reference, this is what Leopard 2A7 actually looks like:


Yeah. I mean what’s even easier to spot is how that supposed 2A7 doesn’t have APU on the side:

Good luck with that lol, if the leak list is true than the US will see a couple more blogs.

Than again, getting the Leopard 2 blog out of the way for the actually interesting blogs to come is fine as well ;)

It looks like these buildings

we already got 2 prems, probably will get a few more

Check my comment with @

from that angle it looks like these buildings are about to get Mighty moused

Ah so yea it’s a fake

This makes me think gripen


Yes, sorry, I misread Smin’s post, fortunately I think you are right


Wait so we are now confirming it’s a fighter ? or something else

Its always been the case. Generally the written side of blogs is prepared ahead of time, but always subject to change before and after. Models are generally the defining factor of when blogs come.


Oh no i gonna get bonked by smin for maybe over interpreting
Edit never mind

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Anyone know the approximate times in a day a devblog can be released on?

Most likely a foreign fighter from how it worded we gonna get one so the EAP is not needed and makes less sense to add


So the plot thickens : D

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It does

Well somehow they still figured out it was going to be GE before the blog itself dropped, so they probably have an insider or something