Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

True, it could also be Gaijin’s fault for not implementing the tank armament into the game and for mistaking the difference between L55 and L55/A1.


Ok caue im hoping for CR2 LEP which would have that gun i was wondering if if it was already in game

But, D-tech on hull

What is even that hangar ?

Now that you say it, yeah
Looks like Cargo Port map

IDK. I think is custom

Yea I think I need to find something hmmmm

The 2A7 having D-Tech hull composites is speculation. Its protection has been increased in some way but it is unknown how exactly.

Yeah user made

Change protection numbers in config.

Welp that not good news gajin loves to low ball protection if they can’t find out exactly how good it is

@Deathmisser I’m too lazy to look for it rn but it’s a Cargo port hangar



I just in a battle now

So probably fake screen shot then

I want the F-18 more.

Totally not just so the UK can get the CF-18. It totally is.


I know you want it, and i hope you will get it

dev file patterns?

Well smin did hint the UK gonna get something foreign but most likely the gripen im afraid

Nah 11.7 is too high for a rank VII premium.