Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

T-72B3M/T-80BVM with cope cage should be premium 👌

Truly, British (anti) bias.

BVM is too high. It’s quite clear that they want to keep the rank VII premiums at 11.3 max.

T-80U or T-72B3 variant I think are likely though.

B3 with anti drone nipples image



Oh I agree, but I am seriously lacking in my knowledge of… Ariete variants they could add as Premiums. Or if Sweden even has a contender for a Rank-7 Premium. So I just said etc and I focus on the techtree I know atleast something about

More premiums for each tree is always welcome, even if it is only for seal-clubbing new players who don’t even know how to turn on thermal sights.

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Oof, I read that and came up w/ the idea of an HMS Hood event vehicle. Things could always be worse than they are …

A tradition going all the way back to the release of WT: Sea Meteor F Mk 3 - War Thunder Wiki

The performance of the aircraft is known, and the placement and performance of armament intended to be fitted on it is also known from use on other aircraft.

Not a common choice for a vehicle implementation, but also not an unknown one - especially when it fills a performance/lineup/use gap.


Could probably add a CV90120 as a premium.
Italy would get a prototype Centauro 2.

Hope for the LEP


Here for example:

I mean they could always go for a specific unit Ariete. Like the Pzbtl 123 2A4 and Click-bait HC.

Yep gib the LEP

In retrospect, I will say that I don’t know if Russia is getting a Rank-7 Premium this update, and nobody does. I based this off the leaklist which we still don’t know to be true and won’t until the update drops. So this is the right area to discuss this, as discussion, speculation, around the next major update

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DM63 or DM73 would be nasty for it

Iirc someone posted a acreenshot from the russian forum where they confirmed russia not getting one this update.

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I would honestly expect another Centauro variant (Centauro II) rather than premium Ariete.

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Good to be honest. They’re already loaded with Rank VII premiums and squadrons, they don’t need more.

It’s confirmed that Russia won’t be getting any rank 7 premium this patch.


It will be 63, too soon for 73

Thank you, I was unaware

I agree. It would be a lot more lucrative too, given the reputation that the Arietes have in game.

Unless we can find enough info like penetrator length and materials about DM73 for Gaijin’s calculation it’s likely off the table.