Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

take my entire wallet

Hans supremacy

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Because its recent and before this point the precedent was set by things like the Swift F.7, R2Y2 etc which have all been denied because their existence doesn’t mean Gaijin will introduce more.

Also IIRC ,and I may be wrong, the majority of the actual aircraft wasn’t combat capable, like the plane was only capable of flying, it couldn’t launch the missiles, didn’t have an RWR etcetera.

Any actual source on that? I couldnt find anything at all about this on the internet, and i really doubt Czech medias wouldnt talk about this. Also, why would they even do that? Moving the whole factory would be significantly more expensive and harder than just building another one in Hungary, not to mention you would leave preety much your whole experienced workforce behind (no Czech worker in right mind is going to move to Hungary, where he will have to get used to launguage barrier and earn significantly less for his work).

Had? Arent you speaking of future? Had would mean Hungarian engineers already developed it, which they did not (and i doubt they will, unless you back it up with a source).

Also, you haven´t answered my guestion. Why do you consider the fact that Aero is currently Hungarian-owned a problem? All of the addable planes Aero built have been developed back when the company was still owned by czechs, they were developed in Czechia and the were even used by both Czech, Slovak and mainly Czechoslovak army. I just dont get this argument of yours.


The Mirage 4000 seems like it would be a good winter event plane…




8,8 cm Pak L/130

Having seen the 88L/100 Pak, might as well take a look at its larger predecessor, the L/130.


Just the barrel of the gun weighs 5300 kilograms, almost as much as a T-60 tank (5.8 tons). To compare, an entire Pak 37 weighs 327 kg in combat. If this thing was built, it was not going to work like a traditional AT gun.


Naturally, such an enormous beast could not be carried around in one piece, or the barrel would deform under its own weight. Here is a drawing of a connection that joined two parts of the barrel. The barrel separated into three parts in total.


1330 m/s, very nice. with the KwK 43 as reference, by German penetration standards) gives this gun 304 mm of penetration.


barrel droop: YES


Not only that but limit it as well lmao

They write that it was impossible to transport him by train just like that.

Therefore, this trunk was divided into 3 parts.


Mirage 4000 event and the new british fighter is a Tornado F.3 with AIM-9L(i) instead of normal AIM-9L.

Now get the popcorn ready.

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And that will be our premium with the CF-18 in the tech tree.

check mate lol


Do we know what the Soviet (Russian Federation Nation), German etc techtree will receive as their Rank 7 Premiums?

I was guessing some minimally upgraded variant of the T-80 as a balanced all-rounder to help new players do well, but we already have many T-80 variants.
I am not very well versed in T-72 variants, and something like the T-72B2 could very well outperform current top tiers in some categories.

Russia won’t be getting rank 7 premium this patch and Germany already has the Pzbtl 123 Leopard 2A4

Uno reverse card. CF-18 as winter event and Tornado F.3 as tech tree.


i’m still waiting for some nation to get a high tier prem similar to what these already got last bach of premium, if they start a second round of prem for the sames and keep the other without “modern” MBT premium its gonna be really sad

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In the seperate canadian tech tree*

I have checkmated your checkmate


Even worse - CF-18 event, Tornado squadron and Sea Harrier tt


Oh I know I just like to speculate. And where else to do so?

Maybe for the update after this one