Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Wth I go to bed, wake up, and we’re at like 440 already

Technically speaking, we already have PESA radars in the game (the tracking radars on the Pantsir-S1 and Tor-M1). The main difference of the AESA would be an ability to jump frequencies much quicker, reducing the possibility of an RWR catching the signal.

We don’t even know if that shot killed the tank lol

I’m curious how rounds like DM73 and M829A4 would perform in game.

yeah I know lol that and the entire argument was about the ERA and the ERA never went off thus not increasing its protection

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point and click adventures

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In gameplay terms it would turn every MBT into Ariete, I guess.

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also, how can this be true when Dm53 63 73 has the same penetrator? Lol

cant wait to play my 74 ton mbt that scarified everything for protection only to get lol penned

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Don’t know it just what they said could be BS to get more funding

CR2 TES has joined

I mean realistically there is no way we should have even reached that before even a single blog. Yet here we are ))


may we have… le blog?

Tbh we have alot of information before hand and leaks to go over you know what ground mains are like

To be fair we do have, the grippen, we have discussion what possible Uk aircraft it could be and finaly we have discusssions what the promised leopard 2 could be. Of course those dont make up 10000 posts, but they did make up a good bit

gripen is not 100%

air mains aint better lol xD

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seeing as we are all staved for content i just hacked the hamsters and found this ;)



This page when the first blog arrives


it is confirmed, it was confirmed by a technical moderator yes, but with the allowance of gajin since at the time smin or similar propably wasnt available propably, this whole matter was talked about with Smin as well how some information gets shared with tech mods to give to us. And several other employees confirmed this as well

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