Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

The thing with those pictures is that they could easily have been taken after the appropriate services removed the explosives.

Like it’s not a good idea to just leave explosive material laying around, up for anyone to grab.

JESUS. Only 12hr old and already 430 coments


DM53 maybe not but Type 10, its much more modern. It 100% has more advanced anti-era capabilities than DM53 and running much higher pressure with a longer penetrator (748mm vs 640mm).

I still don’t get why people I see the claim of DM53 not being able to defeat relikt. The big report people always source is from not even from the MoD and doesn’t even state under what circumstances its unable to defeat it.


This was before they even got leopards that was from near the beginning of the war. It was hit by a Ukrainian T series tank.

they dont seem to care at all when we watch at other wrecks

but this is not a ukraine topic channel,we should go back to patch related stuff

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Yeah it just says it ain’t sufficient

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oh yeah I know but still doesn’t answer the question of why did the ERA not go off, my bet is because it either some how missed the era or the block was empty either way disproving his point

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yeah thats the best I’ve really seen i still take that with a grain of salt as it could just be a way of getting funding or pure propaganda (play weak). if it really didnt work i think there would be more push for the RH130 to be used but the USA, France, Germany and UK seem ok with the 120 still and no plans to change in the next 10 years


bundeswehr xD

because the shot was too low to detonate the era

Well, im not saying it is that concrete case, but era is not guarantee to explode.

des Haushaltsausschusses (8. Ausschuss)”

This is not the bundeswehr, it is part of the goverment but not the MoD or Military. In short its the people responsible for all the money of the government.

Yes. Go do a reverse image search you’ll see it was from way before leopard were even there.

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Good thing we have DM73


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16% more then Dm63 while DM63 has 8% more then DM53

gaijin when ><


Yeah its probably to get more funding but we can only assume unfortunately