then yeah the amx10P is worse then the warrior but I was like I was saying talking about the VBCI-2
And each light vehicle Italy have, France could have a counterpart.
VBC ? VBCI (basic one (25mm), and VBCI2 with CTA40 and F&F missiles)
Centauro ? Vextra (105 and 120 (=POLE, literally turret leclerc on wheels))
AUBL ? More AML, or Lorh, or ELC…
Yup yup. Even tho the T-72M2 was fully build in Czechoslovakia as we were making our tanks that we have patens for. There is still arguments for that. But Praga? Russia had 0 things to do with it. Hell, seeing LT.35 and Lt.38 in German TT is understandable as Germany used them.
If they were ever going to do that they would have done it with SA just like if they were to do official alliance trees we would have had a commonweath tree by now.
Yeah, but all that would be some ligh vehicles as i know one of those nation dont have any MBTs as they rely on light vehicles, armored car and artylery
Boxer variants
Boxer variant or KF41 variants
Man germany could have so many more lights as well
I see Part 3 comin
if only they would buy them
At this rate of messages at least
u forgot we only have the technology to research different pages with another page recently with the addition of helicopter research
Poor guys that are just waking up to around 1000 unread massages
A nice morning surprise
Is good. Im just saying there are a lot of nations who add vehicles to various trees, and Russia is one of them adding vehicles to the Soviet tree. Same applies to Checkoslovakia and many others
The tree is just named after whoever has the most vehicles, and that will probably be the Soviet union in the soviet tree forever.
Replacement for the aging concept of newspaper
ugh dont remind me, well argument currently is that no country has the 120mm version of the KF41 or the Boxer (wheeled or tracked), so those are fair game.
Boxer schwerer waffenträger is planned and KF41 could be the australian one as well
That’s… Not the same thing. Your asking for sub-tree to have it vehicle removed from the main tree and out somewhere else which we were told was not happening
I mean, the USSR tree can get vehicles from former USSR Nations that aren’t russia
A system that looks similar to this would be better than something that looks like the new heli research feature tbh
Yeah but you are in less need of light. Sure you can always got more, but you have powerfull things like Bretzel57 at 9.3 or TAM 2C at 10.0.
Our best top light is Amx10RC 8.3 or SK105 at 8.7, unstab (we worked on stab amx10 before you joke our lack of stab)
what? when did i ask for vehicles to be removed? besides that could just generaly add a second page for vehicles as well if necesary works just as well