Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

That’s fair.

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Tornado ADV with concrete radar :)))

The reddit video itself makes it very convincing but I’ll wait till someone finds a way to disprove it.

gib source

AMRAAM leak : r/Warthunder (


It’s also worth mentioning that aircraft in naval forces were already hard to balance and at times completely unusable even before SAMs were introduced.

And really that’s more a thing that could be fixed with a a separate BR spread for planes in Naval vs other modes. Kinda in the same vane that ARB and GRB need Separate BR spreads for planes

Pls not another premium brick for Italy :(

Could be the F.2A TIARA, which had the Blue Vixen radar from FA.2, and also tested IRST and HMD.
It could carry 4 Sidewinder/ASRAAM, but Blue Vixen wasnt able to guide Skyflashes. There’s no evidence it could carry AMRAAM either.

Since that’s better than the F.3 we currently have, I very much doubt it.

Would be a sidegrade, you lose the SARH/ARH, but have a better way of guiding IR missiles.

I read ASRAAM as AMRAAM. Yeah, that wouldn’t be too bad.

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No, its really not. At the battle ratings these ships are at right now you can hit an F6F or B7A from their spawn, as they spawn even, and significantly more accurately than AI gunners ever could. Good luck trying to dodge a missile you don’t even know is coming. Its already hard enough to use aircraft right now, with SAMs being even more prevalent no aircraft would be useable at any BR above reserve DDs. Fly high and get SAM’d, fly low and get close and either still get SAM’d or hit the wall of lead that WW2 ships put out. And forget about using the Fritz X, if you even did use it.

Yeah, actually it is. Right now it isn’t very obvious because we only have a couple of missiles (all of which are manually guided i believe), which means you can only fire on one target at a time, but what about when they add more modern missiles that guide themselves? Charles F. Adams, for example, received Harpoon missiles late in her life. I certainly would abuse the crap out of that if she’s at the BRs you think is acceptable for her to be at. 5.3 (?) with potentially 12 Harpoons? Get one of those big open circle maps and that’s potentially 12 free kills as fast as you can lock and fire the Harpoons.

And then you have the opposite problem threatening to happen with battleships being 7.0 and future additions likely being higher. Jets, especially ones closer to and above 8.0 are capable of bombing ships and getting away unscathed, even attacking in a lazy manner flying in from the open with no terrain cover.

Maybe so it doesn’t show the user/nickname idk

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He could have just edited a box over it or something.

More info can be shown, so just crop it, its easier. Still doubt tho.

Though no BVRs (and we can safely assume no ASRAAM) it would be a wierd aircraft. 10.7 perhaps?

Maybe if it only has 9Ls, as flame stated on the suggestion, ASRAAM would put it in a similar position as the Harrier GR.1 where it is at a high BR because of its missiles and is slapped by its competition.

Sounds like all British airframes left to come…

But I assumed Aim-9Ls

has anyone seen the Aim-120 leak video yet? I want to post it here but don’t want to get banned or anything.

thank you