Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

There will probably be a devblog tomorrow

@Fireraid233 Soon TM

Also, does the AN/APG-63 Radar from the F-15 have TWS? That single feature is what will determine if I’m hyped for this or not.

Though interestingly the F-15J has not been passed yet (well the DJ has been passed, weirdly enough) but both XF-2A and F-2A early have. I know suggestions passed isn’t purely indicative of what’s coming and when, but that is peculiar.

It was revealed to me in a dream

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Yes they have tws if im not mistaken pretty good radars actually

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It’s not a coincidence, it was developed alongside KMW.

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There should be a “Reward” function for everyone saying “Attack the D Point!”

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That’s good to hear. Seems worth it then from my PoV, especially if the claims about it being a good dogfighter that can keep up with F-16s are true (and made a reality in WT).

Between XF-2, F-15J, F-2, I hope we get at least one of those this update. My wallet is ready.

It will be an update dedicated to jet trainers, BAE Hawk, Alpha Jet, Aermacchi MB-339.

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Well whats cool with Japan is eventually you have both the F-15J and F-2s as a option best of both worlds

ah thats fair, so what you are saying if there is no indian tech tree, this could potentialy be added to the german tree?

From what Smin has said, that seems very unlikely

yeah devblogs got hard denied, only to have a real slimmer of a chance to appear, so if anything propably friday

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all I want is the Khod pod for the Su-39, cmon Gaijin pretty please


Lets make it more p2w great! we all want this!

how tf is Su-39 p2w lmfao

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Smin said they are low but never zero

Take a guess, or do you expect the su25t will get this pod as well (i cant carry it as far as i know)

There is no reason why 25T shouldn’t get it too.

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If it can’t go on the T it can go on the TM.

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bro no way this dude said a subsonic jet is op