Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Well yea, I’m just saying I’d like to see one of those soon instead of many months from now lol.

Learn to read and stop missplacing words

What are the chances of the Thai subtree coming to Japan in the next update?


Zero chance since we just got Hungary for Italy

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probably same as we’re getting F-22 as an event vehicle over the weekend

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  1. Zero.

@Smin1080p Is there a rule that does not allow a nation to get more than one ‘sub-nation-tree’?
So lets say, Italy has hungary, but what if Brazil comes to it as a subtree?
Or will a tech tree never have more than one SUB-Nation tech tree?

Sorry for bad English (I’ll understand if such thing can’t be answered properly as a lack of information/classified as in, can’t confirm, subjected to change etc)

As Major Nations being US, Germany and USSR/Russia don’t have subnations but get alot of Prototypes, event vehicles, land-lease, “multi nation project” idk how to say it
Polish Leopard being on German tech Tree as Squadron, while Polish Sherman is on UK Tree as a premium

Should I touch the commonwealth topic?

M1 AIM is the only Australian vehicle in the US tree while 10 others are in the UK tree
There’s a lack of consistency to “oh this nation made this vehicle so only it will have it”
There’s Shermans everywhere, while the Canadian Stuart is in the US tree, the M4A5 is on the US tree while they could be fine in the UK tree

The Canadian Leopard C2A1 would be a fine addition to the UK tree but it went to Germany just like Leopard 2 PL, but oh wait, the Polish Sherman is there, but its a sherman so who cares?

I’m horrible at explaning and English is not my first language but hopefully I made my Multiple points and questions clear in a single post, sorry and thanks in advance

(pls add Brazil I’m dying)

A few things and interesting little details. A small one was I always believed the F-4J(UK) was actually officially the Phantom F.3 for many years. As that’s the name a lot of museums and sources call it. But its only offical designation is the F-4J(UK). F.3 was never adopted properly.

Then there is always the interesting perspective of how something is “perceived” in real life vs how it actually was performance wise when you put it in War Thunders context against similar vehicles.

The Lightning is a good example of that. It has almost cult status in the UK. It is indeed a very iconic aircraft, but the performance its domestic legend has and the performance it has in the context of other international jets at the time are two different things.


Dunno, Quebec is a big part of Canada and have some strong ties with France, French is even the official language of this place.

So these vehicles can come to France :p


We have no such rule. Multiple nations vehciles can be within one. But this is also not the time, nor the place to be talking about such matters.

The Polish Sherman is a Firefly variant. We don’t have a Polish tree / sub tree in game and America had / has no need of it as it was intended for Britain anyway, so it goes to the most applicable nation anyway which is Britain.

Both the AIM and C2A1 had intended purposes and placements. The UK tree is not a set Australian or Canadian tree. Vehicles from those nations can be deployed to multiple nations based on the needs of the nation, intended position or role to fill or purpose (EG Squadron).


Though really doesnt help that Red Tops arent accurately modeled

Red Top has nothing to do with the flight performance of the Lightning. Which Is what I was referring too.

Reports for Red Top are under investigation.


Ah right, thought were talking about the Lightnings performance vs other aircraft in game

Yep, fingers crossed it’s sooner rather than later. Red Tops have always been wrong, but recent repots that are the most accurate are over 6 months old already (though found an outstanding bug report for teh Gr7 that is 14 months old. so got another 8 months at least )

makes sense


Australian proposed KF41 for germany lets goooo! ( Do not take this serious, while i take it as a potential option it is not the only one)


“Vehicles from those nations can be deployed to multiple nations based on the needs of the nation,”






isn’t the name of the KF41 Lynx? just curious