Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

I play all of them.


But we have a lot of information though like no more Harriers for the time being ;P

Part three lets goooooo

So do I honestly that is the best way to play the game

Sea Harrier FA2 in most “useful” configs would be 2x Aim-120Bs, 4 is possible but you would ONLY have Aim-120s

Tornado F3 would have 4x Aim-120C5s (though Bs are theoretically possible)

Typhoon would have 4-6x Aim-120C5s

I think Hawk had 2 (I dont know what AMRAAM but I assume both Bs and C5s)

There is no other native option and I dont know how many Gripen or F-18 had, though I think Gripen is only 2

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Smin threatened us with a ban last time so no don’t do it

Only a quarter of the production run( ~200 aircraft total ) had the " short nose ", but we already got the " long nose " version in 2020 's S.U.M.M.E.R. event. That one 's even listed as F11F-1late in the files.

This list I still don’t really trust, most of the stuff on it that didn’t come is just things from, which anyone who 's read the thread OP knows abt. While the things that aren’t in are an A-6 that Smin 's stated there are no plans for, and a vickers MBT which was never built. Things w/ evidence against seeing them ingame, that is.

The other list has things we’ve never had evidence for apart from it, but also has the A-6 ( which has been denied ) from the first list.

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Ah zamn, fair enough ig

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What more is there to talk about?

You tried to lecture me on my own country and acted like you knew better than me. You have nothing you could tell me but trying to rewrite history.

Has your research for vehicles in WT led you to make any interesting discoveries? Or reevaluate something you previously believed about a certain vehicle?

Any particular reason there isn’t a specific complaint category for exploiting/cheating.


I believe Gripen is able to carry 4, but I haven’t seen SA Gripens with anything bar IRIS-T and even then images of that are hard to find

SA Gripens are IRIS-T or A-Darter (they never purchased Aim-9 or AMRAAM) So if we got SAAF Gripen, it would have placeholder weapons

I mean we do have a serious leaklist.

you cant cheat in war thunder /s

Honestly if the most recent leak lists are true we likely won’t have any trouble reaching part 3, maybe even 4.

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I honestly feel like that’s their official position at this point

It is also 100% impossible to bot.

You got to use the replay to report cheating behaviours. Although it would usually take gaijin 1-2 months to check and ban a player who cheats.

I guess the notorious chinese 6th sense is not considered a cheat afte all!

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